Monday, January 16, 2012

A is for ANGLES

All aboard for Round 10 of ABC Wednesday? Awesome! For this round, I've decided to focus on learning more about photography. I took an informal class for 12 weeks in the fall and learned quite a bit but, naturally, there's so much more to learn. The next class doesn't begin until March, so in the meantime, this will help me to keep everything front and center, continue learning and practising, and share some of my photos.

At first, I was going to do "aperture," but since I'm not using a manual SLR, but rather a digital with some manual settings, I'm going to use the word "angles" instead. Try experimenting with photos by getting right down on the floor or the ground, sit on a chair and look up...waaaay up, or climb on something and look down. Tilt your camera one way and then the other. Try out different angles and try to get shots with angles in them. I know, I know, people will see you and think "what on earth is that person doing???" but who cares? With a camera in hand, pretend you're a professional with a contract for some high-class magazine and just go for it. When you look at your shots on Photoshop or other software, you'll see that most of the shots are awful. However, sometimes you'll get it just right and give yourself an A+ for effort! And you'll even learn from the awful shots!

Here are just a few shots where I was attempting to shoot angles.

Go ahead and attempt your own shots with angles. And while you're at it, remember Mrs. Nesbitt who gave us the very first ABC Wednesday and has kept it going for almost 5 years! She sure gets an A+ for all her endeavours, along with her able-bodied A-list of aides! To check out ABCW, just click here and join in the fun.


  1. My favorites are the first shot of the fence and the first shot of the bench. Russell gave me a new "big girl" camera and wants me to take lessons. I have been experimenting with it, but so far mostly use the auto setting! :)

  2. Love the side view of the bench, but can't tell you why.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Love the idea of a theme Leslie - I am doing the same - my Adventure with sewing! Don't hold your breath! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    Great post - thanks so much
    Denise ABC Team

  4. Love your angles. Well done and your shots are never AWFUL!!
    I read a quote somewhere and can't remember where so I am unable to give it a byline.
    "A picture doesn't have to be perfect to be cherished"
    Happy snapping Leslie.

  5. Beautiful Angles makes beautiful pictures!

    Mine is Angel, please come and see.

  6. I had to catch my breath when I saw your theme. I also decided to share some of my photos this time around. Round 9 we both shared poems, that is why when I saw you were sharing your photos, i got a big grin on my face. We must be connected somehow. I don't think I was adopted. hee, hee.

  7. Great post for the letter A. I think angles can add so much to interest in photography. Good shots in this post.

  8. For some reason I read your title as angels, until I read the angles in the second paragraph I wondered what I was going to see, LOL.
    Interesting project, love the first bench photo. What a great way to learn.

  9. The third photo is marvellous! That bench is beautiful! I think you are a good photographer.Have a great ABC Wednesday!

  10. you take awesome and gorgeous photos therefore you are not only expert but amazing photographer., you really knows how to use your slr camera especially the apperture

    Visiting from ABC Wednesday and RT

  11. Love all those angels (which, to me, are hard to photograph just right). I suppose I could say that I loved your 'angle' for starting off Round 10!

  12. Oh I wish I could attend a formal training for photography! I love the angles you used in taking those photos!

    My A entry, come and see. Have a lovely day!

  13. A great set of photos with different angles, like Roger I like the side view of the bench.

  14. Your angles are superb, Leslie, and a wonderful idea to have a theme.

  15. Great shots Leslie! You get an A for sure.

  16. Wish I had time to learn interesting things like angles, apertures.... The bench is a lovely spot to read a book. Looks like it's quiet around. I love that!

  17. These are great - next year, you 'll be teaching!

  18. these are wonderful shots. love the fences and bench.

  19. The right angle can make all the your shots show!

  20. I especially like your first bench shot! Well done on taking a course; I should.

  21. Some women want "curves", but you got great "Angles"...Like you new challenge. Look forward to more!

  22. I love all your angles. Photos with a lot of angles in them really appeal to me.

  23. It will be interesting to watch what unfolds.

  24. What a wonderful set of captures. I like the perspective and angle in each one.

  25. What a wonderful set of captures. I like the perspective and angle in each one.

  26. Some very creative images here, Leslie, you obviously have a great eye for a frame!

  27. Good for you! Photography is soooo much fun. Soon you'll find that it's all you want to the expense of any other activity! ;-) I think you're off to a great start.

  28. I love the first photo! They are all wonderful. Great choice for the letter "A"!

  29. Leslie, I just wanted to say that I love your new profile pic. (I think it's new; I'm so observant you may have been using it for months!)

  30. wow, I like that fourth angle photo you got. visiting from ABC Wednesday.


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