Friday, March 23, 2012

K is for KEEPERS

Kudos to Denise Nesbitt for continuing to maintain this remarKable ABC Wednesday site! Her keen, kind, and sometimes kooky group of assistants will keep on knocking at the virtual doors of your sites to let you know how much we liKe your contributions. Whether you share your knitting, your knife collection, your kidney transplant, or stories about kings, killer bees, kangaroos, or kites, we will be there to give you personal kudos and kisses for your cracKing efforts!

Okay, I have to veer slightly from my theme this week. For the life of me, I could not think of anything related to photography that began with the letter "K." I briefly considered doing a biography on a famous photographer, but I wasn't familiar with any I found whose name began with a "K." So, after conferring with someone who happened to be standing here, I (we) came up with doing a slide show of photos I consider to be "keepers" from over the past year. Be sure to turn up your speakers to enjoy the accompanying music.
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  1. I am so glad Lorne is regaining his strength, and yes, he looks like a keeper to me, too! You are so clever, Leslie, some of these shots are stunning - the sleepy owl is gorgeous.

  2. Nice slide show, definitely keepers. - Margy

  3. You came up with great K words for this fun post and I LOVE your keepers slide show. Such a range of wonderful shots. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

  4. Well Leslie, you certainly found a lot of K words. Thanks for your visit to the kibbutzim.
    Have a great week!

  5. OH What a pleasure to view. I leave rejuvenated! Great shots (some I recognized and loved reviewing). Thank you for the smile I leave with! KEEPERS was a great idea!

  6. i enjoyed the slide show. what a celebration of life. great photos.

  7. Smilebox is a great way to show your KEEPERS.
    I guess I have been living under a rock but I had the impression sometime ago that you and Lorne were't together. Thrilled to see he is regaining his strength and he is your Keeper. He's one handsome guy.

  8. I think the problem with digital photography is that you end up deleting pics that might not be keepers, but which might have their own charm.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  9. Oh now, that WAS enjoyable...loved loved loved the eagle, sandhill crane, snowy owl, bright red house.......
    Jane x

  10. Keepers is a perfect choice for a photography term! I shoot hundreds of shots and then have to go back and decide on the "keepers"! Great slide show. I enjoyed it a lot.

  11. Yup! He looks like a keeper -- and what a nice tan. The photos were wonderful. I have a file for each year in which I put my best shots of the year.

  12. A very nice slide show, definitely a keeper in my eyes too.

  13. I love that slide show Leslie!

    Korean Souvenir
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  14. Mrs. Nesbitt had a kidney transplant? Amazing! Thanks for sharing your slides. I love the dahlia. I've never seen one like that before.

  15. I love the word "Keeper", so precious!

  16. Wonderful interpretation of K. Loved the title and the slide show :)

  17. we have a very famous sportsman who couldn't play anymore, because he has kidney disease, a good friend gave him on eof his. Sadly, it didn't last.

  18. I enjoyed the slide show - wow! I'm impressed with how professional that is!

    My favorite picture is of you and Lorne at the reunion. Very, very excellent picture of both of you! I hope you have that framed!!!

    I noticed you mentioned you used to teach typing. Guess what? SO did I! Heh! But don't tell anyone ....!! I was certified as a business education teacher and that included typing and even shorthand (believe it or not!).

    Take care.

  19. Oh lovely! What a great year you've had: did it ever rain?!!

  20. I guess the day I saw this, blogger wasn't letting me comment! Looks like some really great keepers!

  21. What a creative, sweet way to show beautiful moments in your life! I loved the owl, the pumpkins, the eagle... I loved everything, in fact!

    And you're wise on keeping him. ;o)

    Kisses from Nydia.

  22. Hello.
    I really enjoyed your slideshow. The shots were awesome...some of them I recognized from earlier posts. Thanks for sharing & visiting.

    Kisses from A Rose


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