Sunday, April 29, 2012


Welcome to P Week at ABC Wednesday, created by the passionate and professional Mrs. Nesbitt. She and her pretty little package of personalities will pad over to pop a comment on your post. We always pant with anticipation to see what you posit each week and can hardly wait to poke our noses into your photographs of possessions, be they ping pong tables, pearls, phones, pots & pans, or the prodigious pendulum on your grandfather clock.

I've had palpitations this week wondering about my P post relating to "photography."  Should I write about its history?  Should I explain what pinhole cameras are?  Should I describe perspective distortion or post about portrait and/or panoramic photography?  Frankly, it's all just a bit too much for me today so I decided to simply do another slideshow with my own photos relating to the letter "P."  Forgive me, please, but it's almost the end of the school year, and I must admit to being overwhelmed with senior literature courses!  Right now I need to prepare these students for their finals that are coming up a short 6 weeks from now - right after their "prom" that precedes the angonizing two weeks of exams. Enjoy the show and have a perfectly peachy and productive week.
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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  1. No need to apologize, Leslie!

    lovely as ever.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. What else could you choose OTHER than photography!!
    Jane x

  3. This is perfectly delightful and positively clever, Leslie. Smilebox is such a Pet, - love it.

  4. This is the most beautiful and very unique post! Such beautiful flowers!
    Have a great week, Leslie.
    Wil, ABC Team.

  5. Perfect pick-me-up post for "P".

  6. Oh you just reminded me of my pearls! One reason I was happy to be married (then). But I still love pearls :)

  7. will have to watch the slideshow some other day, am having technical difficulties.

    happy may day.

  8. But, of course! A pleasurable solution for what you saw as a dilemma. Perfect!

  9. Perfect for the letter P! It must have taken ages to put all those P photos together!

  10. I really enjoyed the slideshow, especially as it included some favourite familiar spots (Reifel). Lovely post, Leslie!

  11. What a Pleasure to read your Post and view your Photographs!

  12. I posted photographer, which is a continuation of yours. And she liked Canada.

  13. You must have put quite a lot of work into that - conntecting all those photos to P's in one way or the other.

  14. Hubby's pressure from school got lifter after his finals lol. Love all those Ps and the photos you've shared Leslie.

    P is for Pizzaroni
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  15. A great P Post and I really enjoyed that slideshow - great shots - have a good week - jane

  16. Somehow I knew you were going to do this! You're so creative. I loved seeing your pics.


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