Sunday, June 24, 2012


About the closest I get to photographing wildlife is the local squirrels, raccoons, and birds that live in my area.  I've been able to get some decent shots of eagles, snowy owls, herons, and ducks but anything more "dangerous" like bear, moose or elk has eluded me.  However, there are some photographers who actually specialize in wildlife photography, especially those who work for magazines like "National Geographic."  Here are just a few whose websites you might like to see.

Michael “Nick” Nichols (    Africa, Australia, biodiversity, endangered species
Joel Sartore (  Africa
Andy Biggs (  Africa
Daniel J. Cox (  Arctic and Costa Rica
Anup Shah ( Africa, especially primates
David Doubilet (  Under the sea

And here are a few of my own wildlife shots.

A couple of backyard critters - cheeky raccoons and squirrels
Finally, a panorama of snow geese that landed in a farmer's field.
Wonderful words of thanks to Denise Nesbitt, our wild and woolly hostess with the mostest! Welcome to new contributors and just to let you know, we (her wacky team of assistants) warmly warble and whistle happy little tunes to let you know how much we wish you'd joined us sooner.  We will make comments on your wondrous posts and will leave wiser but wretched that it will be a whole week before we see you again. To check us out, click here.


  1. well done, this wealth of wild and wonderful shots

  2. Your panoramic scene shot is gorgeous! My favorite though is the second shot!

  3. Delightful Snow Geese photo and your sleeping owl is my favorite.
    My W. post is up already. Its going to be late by the time I can post it tomorrow. but at least it[s done.

  4. Great wildlife, Leslie! In your country there is more wildlife than in my overpopulated small country. But even the smallest animals deserve attention! Fortunately we have many waterbirds due to a lot of water.
    Wil, ABC Team.

  5. I love wildlife and you have taken some very good wildlife shots. Carver, ABC-Wed. Team

  6. i really admire wildlife photographers. animals are beautiful and unpredictable subjects. love your collection.

  7. Wildlife photography is so beautiful. I love seeing all these magnificent creatures (yes, even the squirrels). :-) I really like all your wild captures. Nicely done!

  8. The snow geese photo is lovely, - and the owls! You capture the wildlife
    beautifully Leslie, and some of them are so small and charming.

  9. OMG, those are beautiful. The heron's photo really sticks out. Did you play with the colors or is it REALLY that blue? Super shot.

  10. superb shots. love them.

  11. Your snowy owl looks like he is trying to croon you to sleep. I've never seen snow geese so that was an interesting shot for mr.

  12. Oh these are marvelous. But I had to do a double take, with the napping owl, as I thought for a moment it was my husband in his recliner...haha..

  13. The sleeping owl is my favorite, but my son absolutely loved your shot of the bald eagle!

    Wonderful pics

  14. I so love all of these marvelous shots. The sleeping owl has me smiling--it is such an adorable picture.

  15. What wonderful wildlife images- you are talented.

  16. As others have said, the panorama shot of the geese is particularly impressive. I love the colour of the sky.

  17. Beautiful photos! I may not comment every week, but I always stop by to look at the pictures, and I'm never disappointed!

  18. Wonderful wildlife photos, the snowy owl certainly has personality. I always admire the the patience of wildlife photographers when they stake out for days in a location.

  19. I admired your photos, you are good. Dropping by from " ABC Wednesday

  20. Oh Leslie, bears, moose and elk have eluded me as well, but I think we are both lucky to have seen some amazing wildlife. (I did once come across a moose while x-country skiing in Quebec, but that was before my cameroholic days.)

  21. Loving all the wildlife shots and especially loving the panoramic of the snow geese! Quite the drama...

  22. those snow geese are amazing! But all your photos are lovely.

  23. i have always been in awe of shots of Eagles.

    when time races like a bullet


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