Sunday, March 17, 2013

J is for JOY

Hello, my name is Tegan (aka Rhossili Breeze) and I have recently come to live with my new family.  I am so joyful that they chose me, and every day they tell me how much joy I give them.  Since I'm still just a baby, I need to learn lots of things - like how not to jump up on people or furniture, not to jerk the person on the other end of my leash (especially my Mommy because she has a bad back), and not to use my jaw on people's hands.  I have already learned to sit, stay, shake hands, and come when called.  But sometimes, when there are distractions, I like to joke around and don't obey.  I guess they're justified in being cross with me then. After all, I do know better!  I wake up jolly early in the morning, but I jolt everyone else awake.  They are not too jubilant with me then!  I love to cuddle anyone, but when Mommy and Daddy start cuddling each other, I get really jealous!  Oh well, they both take me out in the car and we go to the dog park where I have fun with Buddy, Ruby, Tuna, Zadie, Finn, Turner, and Daisy.  We jump on each other and joust with each other and jog the trails around the park.  
Here I am first day in my new home.
and here I am just the other day on the trail in Boundary Bay Park.
Mommy  asked me to be sure to give joint kudos to Mrs Denise, the creator of ABC Wednesday and to Mr. Roger, the administrator for their jazzy efforts at keeping ABCW going!  She also put together a slideshow so you can see how much JOY we give each other.  By the way, she calls me her "Brown-Eyed Girl."
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Another slideshow by Smilebox


  1. That made me smile Leslie,hope you are well love Jill xx

  2. So, Leslie, you've taught your dog to write? And type? Ah, the lucky canine has a teacher as an owner!

  3. What a beautiful brown-eyed girl. I loved the slide show! (And I have a definite soft spot for yellow dogs.)

  4. Our pets do bring us lots of joy. - Margy

  5. Very beautiful dog! Wow! I love the red collar, too!

    I have a feeling we will be seeing much more of this great dog! I hope so!

    Take care.

  6. I have enJOYED reading about your jolly lovely puppy!
    Thanks for sharing her!
    Thanks for your visit too. Your daughter must be a good singer, if she sang in this musical.

  7. I can understand that you miss her! I also miss my children in Australia. It's so far away and if something happens with one of them in Australia or with me here in Holland it'll take at least 36 hours or more for travelling.
    Fortunately we can ring eachother or email one and other. But still....

  8. That is one beeeeeeautiful dog...! I hope I get to meet her. :-)

  9. That's one bright puppy. Nice one.

  10. Wonderful post for J ~ Beautiful 'fur person' growing by 'leaps and bounds' ~ Enjoy ^_^

  11. That first picture sure brings joy to my face--adorable!!!

  12. I Just wanted to say that your little sweetheart is truly Joyful.
    Love your comments.
    We dogsat our granddaughters dog a few weeks ago. What a lot of work, especially when we aren't use to it.
    I do have to admit that I did really enJOY it though.

  13. She is so cute and really looks like she's GROWING!!!!

  14. Oooooooooh, she is simply ADORABLE, isn't she? Ahhhhh, I've gone all melty around the edges now..

    So glad to see life is continuing to treat you all well, dear Leslie!

  15. She's delicious!
    George still has to join in any cuddles going on.

  16. Your new baby is adorable. She's lucky to have found you to be her human mom.

  17. Great to see your new pup coming along nicely!

  18. Truly a joy to read this post:-)

  19. Teachers are never done teaching, not even in retirement, lol! Great slideshow of your youngest student:)

  20. grown up so much. what a cutie pie.

  21. The dog is such a bundle of joy. Every time I see your smiling face you put me in the mind of my Aunt Helen.

  22. The very personification of joy! I can't wait to see this beauty grow:)

  23. Very sweet, and some great J words in here as well!

  24. Tegan looks absolutely gorgeous on the jostling for the granite hearth shot.

  25. I love that "my journey has just begun" what great times you will all share.

  26. This is beautiful. Joy is cute.

  27. Leslie, when it comes to the letter L, I am sure you will write about how much you love your puppy! Your joy shines through, and it's clear this is a long lasting thing! Just perfect:)

  28. I love the slideshow as always. Tegan is just so cute, that's what my four-year-old have to say after watching the slideshow. Now, he's asking why he can't have a puppy, lol.

  29. I had jump in my post too. How old is the puppy? I bet he is jumping and bouncing all the time.

  30. so cute and healthy pet

    from ABC Wednesday

  31. I love that first shot, joyful!


    Catching up (again) with this week's entries.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


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