Saturday, May 18, 2013

S is for SIT and STAY

Well, actually, S is for lots of words as you'll see in the slideshow! The first thing we had to teach Tegan was SIT and the next was STAY. She is pretty good at those things, but now we have to teach her to heel and come on command.  In the meantime, we enjoy watching her snoop around for stinky smells at the park, trying to stretch out on the chair where she used to be able to share it with a toy or two and now slides off when she falls asleep, snoozing while lying flat on her back, running after her when she swipes our shoes (we now make sure the shoes are in the closet), scratching, enjoying sunbeams either inside or out, chasing and chewing on sticks (the bigger the better), learning how to swim (it actually came quite naturally to her), chuckling when she snores, slobbering on and sleeping with Daddy's socks, and so much more.   
She has been a real joy to us in the almost 4 months we've had her, but we realize that she has been getting away with a few things that we must switch up.  The most important is making her walk properly on the leash.  Because she needs a lot of exercise, we've been taking her to the park or another area where she's allowed to run freely.  Now she needs lessons to not pull me when she's on the leash (because of my back).  So, we'll be seeing to that little problem to find a solution soon!

Sincere thanks to the sensational Mrs. Nesbitt, the creator of ABC Wednesday and to the saintly Roger, our administrator.  Thanks also to the sassy staff of assistants who visit all the posts each week.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


  1. Wish our cat were as well trained!

  2. Your introduction of S is even better than mine! I love your dog. She is so pretty !
    Wil, ABCW Team

  3. They are particularly wilful - and deaf - when it suits them I think! But worth it. We never managed to get Harvey to walk properly no matter how we tried - obviously we didn't persevere enough. George though is pretty good on the lead now. Unless he's sees something he really really wants to go visit!
    They're worth it though!

  4. Delightful, Leslie.
    You have one Sweet dog.

  5. She's such a beautiful and eager looking dog. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  6. So much enjoyed the slide show, for me it's only the S for Sweet!

  7. They are just full of energy at this age...we thought it would calm down as ours got older...we are still waiting for 9 years. LOL!

  8. That is a lot of S's. And a beautiful dog to boot.

    An Arkies Musings

  9. Yes, wonderful dog, nice photos!

  10. she's a sweetheart.

  11. our black lab DJ thought she was a LAP dog! and my sweet hubby let her, but I didn't...too heavy for me. I think labs do have the SWEETEST personalities!

  12. Another cute video! I've lost many shoes because of my dogs!

  13. What a sweet pup you have there! We had to do a lot of leash training with our Beagle since she would follow her nose anywhere it told her to go!

  14. Ah... Tegan is growing very fast! Sit and stay are words my Mozart never learned to obey properly. My fault. I spoiled him rotten.

  15. Getting to be a lovely Sturdy dog, and as others have said Sweet, as well. What a joy to you both.

  16. i enjoy browsing through posts on ABC series, you feel as if you are speaking in that letter language for the day... Its so much fun..:)

  17. That scratching photo is a gem, perfectly captures the moment. Tegan looks to be a dog that knows how to nap.

  18. Such training should be available for the people in our lives who sing their own tune and sway to music no one else can hear! Tegan is a real cutie!

  19. Tegan is one famous dog, so cute. I really think that artmuse dog and tegan should meet one day. ")

  20. My dogs don't even sit if they don't feel like it. They are naughty.

  21. Very cute and well trained.

  22. I'm enjoying watching Tegan grow up. Such a sweetie!

  23. Love the video and the update on Tegan. Gorgeous puppy - and growing so quickly!

  24. So pretty and active!

    Sorry, late visit for S.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


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