Monday, August 19, 2013


I don't have much energy today, so am just putting up a brief post and a few photos of the fountain and surroundings at our Municipal Hall.  There's a beautiful but small park area with a pond full of lily pads, turtles, water fowl, and, of course, the feature is the fountain.

Update on life currently is that Lorne made it through his liver surgery and we await the pathology report on tenterhooks.  Hopefully, he won't need more chemo.  Also, younger daughter got married on Sunday and is away on her honeymoon right now.  They're spending a few days at the world famous Whistler.  You can just imagine why I'm so faint from all the activities lately and sometimes not sure whether to laugh or cry.

If you click on the first photo, they'll come up on another page so you can view them better.  Your choice, of course.

Flowery thanks go as usual to the fantastic Mrs. Nesbitt, the creator of ABC Wednesday, and to the fabulous Roger, our administrator.  Also, thanks to the fearless team of contributors who faithfully visit every participant every week in order to give them feedback.  Have a fun fun fun week, everyone!


  1. Fabulous Fotos ,, LOL ,, wow yes you must be whacked out ,, you have some super shots here Leslie , love the Fountain :-)

    I have left you a few messages about Lorne and his surgery , fingers crossed,,

    and Daughter number two married ,:-) that is brilliant . My cousin and his wife live and work up in Whistler , :-) you never know they might meet up. take care of yourself xoxo

  2. This is...I'm going to use a technical term now... REALLY COOL!

    Keeping good thoughts.

  3. Wedding photos! Come on!!

    Praying the news for lorne is good. xx

  4. Pretty photos, I have always enjoyed fountains which we have so few off in this area, unfortunately. Prayers going out to Lorne that everything will be ok. ((Hugs))

  5. Great pictures Leslie, is that a Terrapin sitting on the log?
    Hope the wedding went well and Lorne is continuing to improve, he's had such bad luck with health issues of late. It sounds as if you need a good rest after all the activity,
    Take care my friend,

    love Di..xx

  6. Hi Leslie! Splendid photos. I do hope that The results of the tests of Lorne are good. My thoughts are with you! Take care.
    Best wishes to the newly-wed daughter!

    Wil, ABCW Team

  7. Beautiful shots. I hope that Lorne will have a swift recovery. Congratulations to your daughter on her marriage.

  8. That's a lot going on with your hubbys illness and daughter marrying!! The serenity of the photos are perfect for your situation. Praying all turns out well.

  9. Gorgeous photographs from around your place!! Looks like a fantastic place and really love the dancing whirling fountain!! But I don't want to leave out the lily pond the turtle and the ducks!! :D

  10. Beautiful photos.
    Trusting that the news will be good.
    I hope you can rest and recoup. You need to be at your best for Lorne.

  11. F for Fantastic Focus on Fotos. :)

  12. Your photos are always so lovely and uplifting.

    You do have a lot on your plate and I wish you Congratulations as well as much luck and prayer.

    In the meantime, as Roger and so many others below write, I'll be keeping you and Lorne in my prayers and thoughts.

  13. Beautiful photos, Leslie. Prayers for your difficult times...

  14. Fantastic fountain! I loved the other fotos too.

  15. spectacular captures of the pond's fountain and its creatures and plants living there! ah...

  16. I love the fountain and the beautiful lilies, I've always loved lily pads!

  17. Lovely photos! Hope your hubby won't need more chemo, and does really well with his recovery! Congrats to the young married couple too! I can understand why you might be F for "frazzled" right now.

  18. Fountains are fun.. I love the one in front of Al Burj hotel, its really awesome

    PhenoMenon, ABCW Team

  19. Fantastic photos:) I enjoy fountains almost as much as chimes! I have several at our river place, but none here at the cabin...I have my creek and it's cascades to listen to and watch instead.

  20. You should have kept Lily Pads for 'L'. Do hope all is going well with Lorne. Prayers from here

  21. Fabulous pics. What a unique fountain. I love the little turtle. How cute.

    Suzy at SomedaySomewhere


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