Saturday, January 04, 2014

Z is for ZUMBA

I've heard friends rave about Zumba. What does it involve, and is it a good aerobic workout?

Answer from Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.
Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin music and easy-to-follow dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training, alternating fast and slow rhythms and resistance training. Zumba's fans say it's so popular because Zumba is a fun way to work out.
Some research indicates that dance-type aerobic workouts like Zumba can improve cardiopulmonary endurance when done at moderate intensity and duration. The bottom line is if you enjoy Zumba, you're more likely to stick with it — and more likely to enjoy the benefits of aerobic exercise.
As with any exercise, if a certain movement or position causes you pain, try to modify the workout to avoid the aggravating activities. And anytime you're training with resistance, remember that proper technique is key — don't get so caught up in the dance rhythm that you forget proper form. 

I sure wish I could do Zumba, but what with all my osteoarthritic problems like having had two back surgeries (one was a triple fusion leaving me with 7 pins holding me together) and a weakened ankle due to two breaks and a serious sprain plus bad knees, it probably would not be a good fit for me.   But I have heard from others that it's lots of fun!  Since I'm a fan of "Dancing With the Stars," I've become a wannabe Zumba cum Latin ballroom dancer after a secret lifelong passion to have been a Radio City Rockette.  We always dream of being or doing something we can't, don't we?  Oh well, I'll continue to use the recumbent bike, walk, and swim and enjoy being a voyeur while listening to all that cool Latin music.

We're now at the end of the 13th round of ABC Wednesday with the letter Z, so don't be shy - sign up to be part of the team!  Tell your friends and family that we're a great group of zesty zealots who love the zither, zombies and zucchini.   Thanks to the zippy Denise and the zany Roger for being the creator and administrator respectively.  By the way, did you know that a zampogna is an Italian bagpipe?  And a zel is a form of Oriental cymbal.  Also, a zho is a cross between a yak and a cow.  See y'all in Round 14 starting next week! 


  1. Hey, what;s with using up all of those Z words? You'll need them next time!

    Zumba I should do, but it'd probably kill me...

  2. My daughter loves Zumba. She even gas some special trainers to wear for it.

    Best wishes for 2014.

  3. What a great fun post! Thanks for sharing! I am in for the next round, but shall have to recuperate first from my eventful past months( celebrating my eightieth birthday in December, the flight to Australia and the wonderful stay with my daughter's mother-in-law. And now the stay in Cooktown in the scorching heat.)I have already written the entries for A,B, and C.

  4. I think zumba depends very much on the teacher. I've been to good and not-so-good classes.

  5. Zippy and Zany movements. Great music and fun video. Kate, ABC Team

  6. I've always wanted to try Zumba but haven't quite gotten to it... Maybe this year.

  7. Gosh, that looks like great fun. Maybe it would help on my search for Zest - don't wiggle too well anymore though....

  8. Wish I could do it too.
    Oh my aching knees though.
    I think you are the winner in using the most Z words..(:0)

  9. I think zumba would be fun but I have too many physical issues. Great choice for Z!

  10. I think Zumba will be fun :)

  11. Interesting fitness regime.

  12. i love zumba..:) and adding on to my z post later today with some zumba..

  13. Yes, I like Zumba, but dance badly!

  14. I do yoga. Zumba is new to me. :) I am inspired to learn this.

  15. the one time I did Zumba was such a fun way to get moving, but it was on an open house day. so sadly I've not done any more. this gives me an idea, I'm going to look for a zumba DVD, right now!

  16. the one time I did Zumba, I found it a fun way to get moving! but it was an open house, so I've not done any more. but an idea just came to me- maybe there's a Zumba DVD out there; I'm going to check right now!

  17. A flyer came through my door last year advertising zumba classes, if I'd seen that video I might have been tempted, briefly.

  18. Going to have to remember some of these Z words for the next round. I've never done Zumba but looks fun.

  19. Wow..Used all the Zs'....have a nice day!

  20. That was fun! But I don't know if I have the energy to try it:) Thanks for sharing!

  21. Learnt so many new Z words thanks to you!!
    Watched the video. Happy just to watch it :P

  22. I wonder if you can zumba on a zunga? I missed the final letter for this round. We were up the lake for a week with no Internet, but isn't all bad. - Margy

  23. we do have zumba here, bt I am too lazy. watching the news that Niagara falls is frozen over. Glad I am here.

  24. Looks nice and the music is nice too, but I don't see a group of 60-80 doing this kind of gymnastic, lol ! (Except maybe Mick Jagger ?) I am happy with my Yoga gymnastic !

  25. Looks nice and the music is nice too, but I don't see a group of 60-80 doing this kind of gymnastic, lol ! (Except maybe Mick Jagger ?) I am happy with my Yoga gymnastic !

  26. It's such fun. I hope to keep doing for many years before the knees give way.


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