Sunday, April 13, 2014

N is for NERVOUS

I hope you're not getting tired of my writing about our upcoming nuptials.  After all, it's not every day that a, shall we say, "mature" couple ties the knot. 

The other night when I went to bed, I lay there with a nervous stomach!  I was thinking about our big day and all the preparations we've done in the last few months and I thought, "Wow! It's finally happening!  Please Lord don't let anything happen to jinx this!"  I had the weirdest butterflies and actually started to shake a bit. 

It has been a long journey for us with ups and downs and twists and turns.  We could have been married back in the early 70's and now be celebrating over 40 years of marriage.  But apparently there was another plan for us.  No point in looking back.  We need to keep our eyes on the path ahead of us and make every day count. 

I heard something amusing, but sweet, the other day about my mother's best friend who is now 95 years young!  She has a 90-year-old beau.  Well, if that news didn't make me feel young, I don't know what possibly could have.  I guess the saying is true - "Just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean there's no fire in the furnace."

So yes I'm nervous about the big day being a great day!  But I am not nervous about having made the right decision about getting married to Lorne.  This is going to be the wedding that should have been and we will make it wonderful.

Can you guess my colour scheme?  Also, don't forget to give thanks to the noteworthy Mrs. Nesbitt, the creator of ABC Wednesday, and to our noble administrator Roger.


  1. The best bit for me is your penultimate paragraph.

    Love and conviction. Very best wishes.

  2. STILL the blushing bride! Would not have thought!

  3. So happy for you and Lorne ,, Yes don't look back.. but you could of got married back then and not been right ,, so NOW is the right time, as you have found each other again and gone through so much .. YOu will have a fabulous day . Purple and Cream maybe .. xox

  4. No, don't look back. Yes, keep calm. Nerves are for a performance; getting married is a private matter enacted before loving guests. Nothing to be nervous about - truly. It's just you & Lorne.

  5. Glad you are only nervous about the details of the day and not your big choice! Love the color scheme and it's a great color for this time of year. Blessings on your day and new life together!!

  6. I think being nervous can be a good sign. Best of luck on your new start.


  7. We are happy for the two of you! And we all like to see your photos and how your weddingdress turned out!
    Have a great time preparing for the wedding, Leslie.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  8. what a happy time. just enjoy it.

    frankly my dear

  9. Enjoy the moment, take it ALL in. Will be a wonderful day.

  10. Enjoy your big day! Life is full of twists and turns, but we end up exactly where we are supposed to be :)

  11. I'm looking forward to your big day and the glorious images you'll be sharing with all of us!

  12. Oh Leslie, cherish your happiness - stay calm and get married!!!

  13. Here's wishing you a gala time ahead!

  14. Naahh--not nervous. N for Nice - Post!

  15. congratulations! I remember that butterfly feeling, but mine happened just before my dad and I were to walk down the aisle.

  16. Nervous about the day but not the decision. That made me smile. :)

  17. Keep calm and carry on Leslie, your day will be wonderful and I LOVE the colour scheme,


  18. We're all very excited for your Nuptials! No need to be nervous. You've done a fantastic job getting everything ready. The day will be great....regardless of any unexpected incidences!

  19. You and Lorne will have a wonderful day, Leslie. No Need to be Nervous :) Such a beautiful love story!

  20. Of course you're nervous but how wonderful it will be!


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