Saturday, May 17, 2014


The highlight of our wedding soiree for the grandchildren and godchildren was the SLOT machine!  Yes, my dear friend Wendy is the proud owner of an authentic slot machine that she "earned" when she sold someone's house.  The story goes that when she listed her client's home, she noticed the slot machine in one of the rooms and went schizo over it.  The owner told her that if she could sell the house in a month, the slot machine was hers.  She sold it in a week!  After signing all the paperwork, the owner helped her load it in her car and off she went. 

Needless to say, it's a highlight for her own grandchildren whenever they visit or spend the night.  And during our wedding soiree, my grandson Noah (age 10) and his sister Eden (age 6) along with Lorne's godson Hunter (age 9 wearing the snazzy fedora) spent the whole evening taking turns at the "Kitchen Casino" slot machine whooping and hollering when they hit it big!  Yes, real money comes out and the kids just kept shoveling it back in.  What a hoot! (Lorne's goddaughter, thirteen-year-old Violet, preferred to hang out with the adults.) 
Here's a link to a home video Wendy shot of one of her granddaughters on a Saturday morning as she played with the slot machine. Click here.  Be sure to turn up the sound to get the full impact!  Anna is so silly as she grooves to the music. It has to be pretty special to prefer the slot machine to Saturday morning cartoons!

Thanks to the sensational Denise Nesbitt, the creator of ABC Wednesday, and to the stellar Roger, our administrator.

Oh, on a side note, my ankle had a tiny chip come loose and the tendon is damaged and pretty sore, but nothing like the last time.  I can walk without the boot and go up and down the stairs one step at a time holding onto the railing for dear life.  Physiotherapy again!  So sad!


  1. A SLOT machine - what an unusual distraction.
    Be SAFE, dear Leslie!

  2. Sweet!

    How are YOU doing, Leslie? Hope you're healing quickly and without any more incidents.

  3. Love these little stories from your wedding.
    I love that they shove the money right back in...actually that's what most adults do too....(:0)

  4. What a marvelous machine to have at your wedding to entertain the kids.
    Glad to hear your ankle is improving Leslie.

  5. Glad your ankle is not as bad this time, although just having to state that sounds bad. That slot machine is a hoot and I can see how entertaining it was!

  6. I am glad that you can use your foot again, but be careful. Great idea to have the slotmachine for the children to play with!
    Have a great week!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  7. now that is unusual for a private home to have a slot machine.

    frankly my dear

  8. What fun for the children! And get well soon.

  9. Super special for the kids - they looked totally engrossed in the game!

    Wishing you speedy recovery - take care of yourself!

  10. I bet that was fun for the children. Take care of your ankle!

  11. I don't think I've ever played with a slot machine, but it sounds like fun. It was a great idea to have it available at your wedding for the young ones, since I know how most of them love arcade type games. Hope your ankle is better soon - Blessings!

  12. Must be fun to have one around...

  13. I wouldn't mind one at my place.. Take care of ur ankle

    PhenoMenon, ABCW

  14. Such a fun "S" and a great write up!

  15. That is a interesting take on 'S'.

  16. I love the pictures of the children playing the slot machine, what a wonderful idea to
    keep them occupied too.
    I think I shall scour the Internet to see if I can buy one for our brood !
    Good idea for school holiday entertainment!
    Love Di xx

  17. I enjoyed your slot machine story and the great pictures of super-happy and Super-cute youngsters, but "nothing like the last time" were Sensational words to hear. Not So Sad after all, I'm hoping!

  18. That slot machine is spectacular. Get well soon!

  19. "and kept shovelling it back", hilarious.

  20. How fun! Wish my kiddo could play something like that instead of burying his nose in his phone and tablet. Love reading stories from your wedding.

  21. So fun to have a slot machine in your house! And such a great idea to have it at your wedding!
    I hope you`ll get well soon!

  22. I can imagine that it is fun for the kids (for some adults too,lol) I personally don't like to play on these machines, I prefer roulette when I am in a casino.
    Good that your foot is better !

  23. Personal slot machine, quite unique.

  24. Oh, your poor ankle. Do get better soon.
    I'm of two minds about slot machines. If I happen to be in Las Vegas, I play nickel slots if I can find them, quarter ones otherwise, because I know gambling is a serious addiction
    I really dislike all the casinos in Canada these days, because so many people who can't afford to lose money are becoming addicted.
    Looks like wonderful fun for kids at a private function, though.

  25. The chinese call this the tiger machine, no prize for guessing why?


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