Monday, August 25, 2014

G is for GASTOWN

Welcome to G week at ABC Wednesday.  This week, I'd like to show you a bit of Gastownthe historic and cultural heart of Vancouver and the city’s oldest neighbourhood.  As the birthplace of Vancouver, Gastown was initially a settlement that sprung up in 1867 around a tavern founded by sailor and gold prospector John "Gassy Jack" Deighton. This historic district's cobblestone streets are lined with Victorian buildings that today house everything from souvenir shops and First Nations galleries to stylish clothing boutiques. With informational plaques placed strategically along the street to tell the history behind various buildings and landmarks, Gastown is an excellent area for a walking tour.  Here is the statue commemorating "Gassy Jack."
The steam-powered clock is the most famous landmark of Gastown, although not the oldest.  Built to cover a steam grate, part of Vancouver's distributed steam-heating system, the clock was built as a way to harness the steam and to prevent street people from sleeping on the spot in cold weather.  The steam powers the clock's sound as it whistles to tell the time.
A modern phenomenon in Gastown is the annual Gastown Grand Prix when cyclists from all over the world attend and vie for the highest one day prize purse for both the winning prize and total prize purse for a Canadian Criterium. The first race was held in 1973 and the tight course was "electrifying ... and ended in dramatic fashion with Bill Wild, one of the finest sprinters of the time, trading punches with transported Kiwi and three time Canadian National Road Champion Max Grace while battling it out in the final sprint. Wild won the race and took home first prize, which was a colour TV."  The 80's saw the emergence of professional cycling teams and the 90's brought youth teams to the forefront.  In 1994, the GGP could not find a sponsor, so it took a 9-year hiatus until it started up again in 2002.  There was a second hiatus between 2009 and 2012, but it's back on track now with men and women from all over the world competing in the GGP.
Photos this week are courtesy of Mr. Google.  Don't forget to give a high five to the gorgeous Denise Nesbitt, the creator of ABC Wednesday, and to the gallant Roger, our administrator.  Also, don't forget the gang of helpers that give generously of their time by visiting about 10 contributions each week to help ease the load of the leaders.  Please be an angel and contact Roger and he will gladly put you on the roster for next week's visits. 


  1. Fascinating piece of history. "A colour TV!" That would have been a big deal, even then.

  2. Didn't know of the place & now I do, Leslie :)
    Nice pics.

  3. Great info about a wonderful part of Vancouver, Leslie.

  4. I remember visiting there when my boys were quite young. I need to go back through some of our "ancient" snapshots to find one of my son by the clock.
    Thanks for my trip down memory lane. Incidentily we loved visiting there.

  5. It's wonderful to learn a lot about the world by all the information we get from bloggers. Thank you!
    Thanks for your visit! A gnome in your garden would be a great idea. He only works at night!
    Have a great day.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  6. I remember seeing the clock tower. But good to know a little more about it here.

  7. Thanks for some history of Gastown. There's so much to see in Vancouver!

  8. One day I will return to Vancouver and hit this spot.


  9. Thanks for this informative post, I didn't know about this town at all so I appreciate it very much.

  10. What a great history lesson! Nice work :)

  11. Calling by for ABC Wednesday, what an interesting post, I learnt something today.

  12. I love that area of Vancouver - so fun to wander around and I especially remember the clock. I must make a trip to Vancouver again, it has been too long!

  13. During our trip to Vancouver, we visited Stanley Park and then made our way to Victoria. But we have to make one more trip with the kids this time and this sounds fun.

  14. Wonder where the nickname "gassy" came from--very funny. Looks like a quaint town with all the shopping.

  15. Always enjoy dropping by...Love your Vancouver views♪

  16. So many interesting facts here, Leslie, that I didn't know, starting with the original reason for putting the steam clock over that steam grate. Perfect post for a Gorgeous part of our city and its history.

  17. wonderful post :-) thanks for sharing such an amazing information. Cheers

  18. Wonderful post.. Good info..

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