Monday, November 23, 2015


Lots of people who don't live in the Greater Vancouver (British Columbia) area believe that all Canadians live in a very cold climate with lots of rain and snow.  However, some realize that this particular area of Canada is nicknamed "Lotus Land" because of our very temperate climate.  Yes, we have rain in the winter, but it isn't hard driving rain; rather, it's a fine mist or at the most a drizzle.  Natives like me rarely carry umbrellas as we dash from house to car to store or whatever.  Also, because we're surrounded by the ocean and mountains, we're usually spared terrible storms.  Up on the mountains, skiing is a favourite pastime but we rarely get snow in the lower elevations like where I live.  If it does snow (rarely), it's usually gone in a day or so because it's very wet. 


 Thanks to the talented Mrs. Nesbitt, the creator of ABCW and to the terrific "Sir" Roger, our administrator for keeping this very trendy meme alive.


  1. Beautiful photos. Looks a lovely place to live. Not sure about the rain though. Have enough here. Xox take care anne .

  2. Wonderful photo's Leslie ..makes me want to travel there ... and stay there for a while... if only i would not get homesick ..

    Have a nice abc-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  3. Great choice for the letter T! I'm glad you are educating readers on our great part of the world, the Pacific Northwest!
    Hope you have a great week...

  4. Wow! Your shots are gorgeous. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving Day, since I realize it's earlier in Canada. ABCW #12

  5. Lovely photos Leslie. - snow here this morning. It was dark when I arose and the street lamps made it all quite magical, but now there is a cold wind blowing and no sun. You have chosen a good location to live....

  6. Excellent shots. Was totally engrossed in the images that I totally did not read your texts.


  7. I could stand that climate!

  8. I'm so glad we have a temperate climate, Wayne swore he would never live again in a place with lots of snow every winter. He grew up in upstate New York and hated shoveling snow as a kid. - Maryg

  9. Beautiful pictures. Very much tempting.

  10. Hello Leslie,
    You are so fortunate to live in such a temperate
    place and your pictures are truly stunning, such
    a talented lady.
    Thanks for sharing your part of the world with us...
    This is the joy of ABCW, particularly being able to
    link up with people from all walks of life, and learn
    about their culture and creed.

    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  11. Your photos are terrific! I agree with you that the "Canterbury Tales" are very difficult to read. Fortunately I was not forced to read them. I read some Shakespeare which was difficult enough.Modern English and Dutch are so different compared to those languages in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Beatrix Potter's Tales are excellent for students starting to learn English.
    Thanks for your comment!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  12. Lovely photos from diff seasons. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :D

  13. You took wonderful photos of a beautiful place. I'm one of the millions that think all of Canada is cold because it's way to the north of me. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  14. The season look lovely in your photos. It looks much nicer to be westerly facing on the Pacific than the Atlantic.

  15. Those pictures are gorgeous. I think I'd like that gentle misty kind of rain - better than the deluge we get here sometimes.

    BeatAboutThe Book


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