Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Y is for YOUTH

I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and thought, "Where did the years go?"  It was a rather depressing thought that I can remember more than what is yet to come.  I guess in these days, though, youth can be a matter of perspective.  Lots of people age physically faster than others while others can fool people by retaining youthful looks. 

I reminisce about all the yesterdays - all the good times along with the bad times (although I do try to put these moments out of my mind or else I'd lose my mind!)  Just what IS youth?  It seems to me that when I was a youth, we were innocent, naïve to a point, and looked forward to the future and all it had in store for us.  The youth of today are so much more sophisticated than we were, generally less mannerly, and more socially connected due to the technological revolution.  It's just - different.

I noticed that a movie called "Youth" is coming to town soon - its release date was December 15, 2015.  I watched the trailer and am adding it here so you can have a peek.  It stars Michael Caine, Harvey Keitel, Rachel Weisz, and Jane Fonda.  Take a look and see if it might be your cup of tea.

I just hope that, God willing, I will still have many more joyful tomorrows than I've had lousy yesterdays, especially recently.

So with 2016 upon on, may I wish you all a very Happy New Year and "take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne!"

Many, many thanks to the youthful Denise Nesbitt, the creator of ABC Wednesday, and to that old Yankee Roger, our administrator.  Also, thanks to the team who have made yearlong treks over to every contributor to make sure everyone gets comments and who also share in doing the introductions. 


  1. A very happy New Year to you, too, Leslie. I hope that 2016 is kinder and more joyful for you!

  2. youth is a good word for y.

  3. Any movie with Michael Caine must be a good one.
    Happy New Year, Leslie
    Wil, ABCW Team

  4. With my very best wishes the new year. I hope 2016 will be a better year bor you.

  5. Ahh Michael, ons of my favorite actors..

    Youth... long gone here also but truth to be told, i don't mind at all. I wouldn't want to go back in time no matter what.

    Have a nice ABC-day / ABC-week
    ♫ M e l o d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  6. I miss my YOUTH we has so much fun in Liverpool during the Sixties 'Beatles and The Cavern and all the fab groups home grown from Liverpool !
    i guess I'm a little sad after just losing my sister, however,
    dear Leslie, I wish you a fantastic New YEAR in 2016 and look forward to
    meeting you again,
    with love,
    Di. xx

  7. Leslie, so sorry about the lousy yesterdays and hope the coming year is wonderful for you1

  8. Life is so full of twists and turns, good and bad.
    I really don't have any desire to go back to my YOUTH. It was good and I agree that we were a lot more naive and innocent than Youth today. That being said I don't relish going through the pain of growing up again.
    I really don't have that many more years to my life but I would like to live them to the fullest.
    Happy New Year and pray this year will be filled with joy and peace.

  9. I'd watch it just for Michael Caine. :-)

  10. Many blessings to you in the New Year!

  11. Wonderful post for Y and I can certainly relate ~ time has a way of 'zipping by' ~

    Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year,
    artmusedog and carol

  12. I'm praying 2016 is a really good one for you Leslie.

  13. I love Michael Caine! It will be my cup of tea.... I do think the youth of today are not inspired to be responsible for their own actions and that is probably the result of an overly paternalistic government.

  14. YOUTH is playing at my favorite movie theater right now. After I FINALLY see SPOTLIGHT, may that will be next!


  15. I think I would love this film ! I remember my youth with pleasure ! I had such a lot of fun, going out dancing every weekend, no worries nothing ! Was a great time !

  16. I'm definitely seeing this movie. Living with a 90+ year old mama gives me a perspective that being 60+ is youthful. Cheers to our new trip around the sun!
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  17. I try not to think of age, but yesterday, an ex colleague said, some students have retired and become grandparents.

  18. Hi Lesley , whilst we have a lot of responsible Youth, we do have many more Youth that I think are undesirables. If my grandchildren turned out like them I would be ashamed. No manners , can be quite frightening actually. Whole new generation.

    Like the look of the film , thanks for the link.

    Take care Anne xx

  19. When I look in the mirror, what I see doesn't match the way I feel inside. Guess that's a good thing. My mom looked youthful (or at least many years younger than her age) even at 96. Maybe all those creams morning and night helped. I've been too lazy to keep up with that. - Margy


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