Sunday, January 17, 2016

B is for Bonanza of Beauty

No, not the old TV show from 1959 to 1973!  I mean a large amount of something desirable! And by that, most of my readers will know that I mean PHOTOS!  Okay, that doesn't start with the letter "B" but in the last 2 months, I've had the opportunity to go out shooting and then playing with my son-in-law's photo editing software.  I just thought I'd share some of the ones I really like so here you go.  Click on the photos to see them individually.

Boundary Bay
 Beautiful Wintery Scene
 Boats Tucked Up for Winter

Bounteous thanks to Denise Nesbitt, the beatific angel who created ABC Wednesday, and to the brave-hearted Roger, our administrator.  Because of all the work involved, we also have a boisterous team of bewitching bloggers who help out by bouncing from blog to blog to make sure everyone who bestows on us a B word or phrase gets bubbly blasts of comments!


  1. All lovely but I especially like the paintwork like look of the second photo.

  2. Although i myslf never alter photo's.. and don't like that in general ... i do love your photo's !

    Have a nice abc-day/-week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-w-team)

  3. A great and varied post for B, - love your winter scene, Leslie.

  4. Your work using your son-in-law's software is awesome!

  5. Beautiful series of shots ~ great photo editing ~ very creative ~ favorite I think is the swan in all of nature's naturalness.

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  6. Boy! A bevy of beautiful! A bouquet of bounty.... LOL I'm done. Just love these shots, Leslie. Amy

  7. Beyond beautiful!!
    I think the painterly one is my favorite.

  8. bonanza indeed! Beautiful shots!

  9. All of them are very beautiful!
    I am feeling a bit better. My wrist is still in plaster , but doesn't hurt. My leg doesn't hurt either but the wound will take several. months to heal. There is a nurse twice a day to dress it . I am taken good care of!
    Have a nice day!
    Wil, ABCWTeam

  10. Bonanza! Are you Little Joe?


  11. All photographs are beautiful however the second one just took me in! Awesome ! keeping clicking and playing with that software!

  12. The reflections have added charm to the pics. Great series.
    Happy ABCW!

  13. Beautiful selection of pictures !

    ABC Wednesday Team

  14. Great photos - Beautiful Wintery Scene is a bit special.

  15. Fun to read the last paragraph with so many B words! It's wonderful to see all of the great photograph from people!

  16. My favorite pics are the first two - is it HDR? Ah Bonanza- yeah, that is the street I live on - why didn't I think of that!

  17. I am very attached to my camera. I hate going out without it.
    Your photos truly are beautiful.

  18. Lovely winter photographs, stunning tree reflection.

  19. Beautiful photos! I especially like your second one. That would make a great greeting card.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  20. I'm loving the wintry scene, wonderful photography.

  21. You have a great eye! Your compositions are marvelous, especially the landscapes. Blessings, my friend!

  22. what a beautiful.

  23. We are in Vancouver for the Boat Show. We usually just pass through on our way north and south. Sometimes it's fun to stop and enjoy the beauty of the big city. - Margy


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