Monday, May 02, 2016

Q is for QUIRKY

Welcome to Q week where Q is for queen, quick, quiet, quiescent, query, quill, and quinoa.  This week I thought I'd show you a few photos of some things that I consider to be QUIRKY.  Hope you enjoy them.
A cute ceramic frog in a cement pond in our gardens here.
A set of "horses" done up so children can pretend to ride them out on a farm.
Someone put up the "Red Baron" in the garden here.
A ceramic owl attached to a pole at a nearby park.
And one final shot - Tegan fell asleep on her back with a bone in her mouth!
With many thanks to the quintessential Denise Nesbitt, founder of ABC Wednesday, and to our most qualified administrator, Roger.  Also to the team of helpers who quickly zip around to the contributors leaving quotes of a complimentary nature.


  1. well, you ARE a bit quirky!


  2. Thanks for all the quirky photos. have a quirky week.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  3. Amusing quirks - love the Red Baron... and of course Tegan.

  4. Life would be so boring without the quirkiness.
    Love your sweet doggie...

  5. Lovely words Leslie, and the photo's are to, especcially the second one!

    Have a nice abc-wednesday-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  6. You forgot to mention your quirky friend from Texas. LOL!

  7. I do enjoy quirky! Fun choices for your quirky post.

  8. Quite quirky! It's a word I overuse funnily enough. Looking forward to seeing you in July Leslie! :-)

  9. Love the photo of Tegan - that is one quelled dog!

  10. Nice pictures :)
    especially the photo of the dog ♥

    I wish you a nice day

  11. Quirky art work and Tegan looks as she's having a Quiet reflective
    moment, but she ain't Quitting her grip on that bone...
    Just watch her Leslie, she'll Quietly sneak it into the garden and
    Quickly bury it... when you're not watching her.

    love Di.
    ABCW team.

  12. Quirky is the only way to decorate a garden to me-love each piece.

  13. Those quirky pieces would brighten up any garden. Your last photo brings a new meaning to the phrase, bone idle:)

  14. Tegan with her bone - hahahahahaha. Those horses are nifty. I'd ride one.

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