Monday, September 18, 2017

K is for KIWIS

Welcome to K week at ABC Wednesday! I really had some trouble thinking about anything to show you, but I finally remembered something.

Last year, I visited Westham Island Herb Farm and discovered a kiwi tree.  There were so many kiwis hanging off the branches, I wished that I could pick them.  But instead of "stealing" them, I took a few photos and here's one that turned out quite nicely. You can even see their fuzzy outsides. I had had no idea that kiwis would grow in our climate, but there you have it.  They do! I'm also quite pleased that this photo made it into the middle of the top ten on a challenge in Red Bubble.
Kudos to Melody and her team who have been successful in bringing a new ABC Wednesday to life! There has been a good turnout of contributors, including some new ones.  Keep plugging ABCW to your friends and family and it will become THE best meme on the internet.  Who knows? Someone might end up on Oprah one day.


  1. Ah, horticultural diversity!


  2. Their fuzziness shows up very nicely, - good capture Leslie.

  3. I've never seen kiwi on the tree before.

  4. Hmmm yummie Leslie... I eat them every day ... in smoothies ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warmin ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l  d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  5. Oh they looks so yummy and great photo ~ Good for you for resisting picking one ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores)

  6. I thought they were semi-tropical and could only grow someplace like Florida. I have never eaten one and have no idea how they taste. I'm not too adventurous.

  7. Love kiwi fruit, you did well to resist them.

  8. Chahat Se Ikrar Na Karte..
    Uski Kasmo Ka Aitbar Na Krte,
    Agar Pata Hota Hum Sirf Mazak H Unke Liye,play bazaar satta king

  9. Your dog is a great tool for protecting your best home from intruders. satta king

  10. Mom, you’re a wonderful mother,So gentle, yet so strong.The many ways you show you careAlways make me feel I are patient when I’m foolish;You give guidence when I ask;It seems you can do most anything;You’re the master of every’re a dependable source of comfort,you’re my cushion when I fall.You help in times of trouble,You support me whenever I call.I love you more than you know,you have my totl respect.if I had my choice of mothers,You’d be the one I’d select!. satta king
    play bazaar


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