Friday, October 21, 2005
Bear Creek Park
On Wednesday, October 19th, my Grade 4s participated in a cross-country run at Bear Creek Park near to our school. Our school won the overall trophy and my Grade 4 boys won the trophy for all the Grade 4 boys who participated (a lot of schools). I am so proud of them all. I would love to post a photo of "my kids" but it wouldn't be appropriate, so I thought I'd just post a couple of shots of the creek in the area where they ran - along the trail around the park and through the trees with all the changing colours of Fall. It is a beautiful location.
Also, here's a photo of me and my Dad on my birthday. Notice at almost 85, there's not a grey hair on his head, although his forehead has grown a bit higher over the years.
Hi Suzanne Yeah, he's in pretty good shape, considering...Did I ever tell you he's in the BC Sports Hall of Fame for soccer? Yep, he was actually quite famous in his younger days.