Wednesday, October 05, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play


  1. Leslie -- that was so cool -- good job. We can now call you "Angel Voice" along with Angel Face" !

  2. Leslie...A BIG Happy Birthday
    to YOU!!!! Hope you get out of
    your meetings early and go have
    some FUN!!!!

    Your voice is ANGELIC and your francais
    perfect...Voulez vous couchez avec moi,
    ce soir? I know what it means, but I'll let Richard reply!!!! ( it was the first French
    I learned too, from the song, of course!)

    Have a great day!!!

  3. Thanks everyone for the good wishes. I did sneak out of the convention early to go for a massage. Then I'm going to indulge myself in an afternoon nap. Back to the convention tomorrow but only for the morning and then it's a long weekend! So much to be thankful for, including lots of great new friends!

  4. Happy Birrrrthday Tooo Youuuuuu!!!
    Happy Birrrrthday Tooo Youuuuuu!!!
    Happy Birthday, Mister Preesident!!

    Oh, sorry Leslie!!!!!!

    It was Marilyn singing, again.

    And that seems to be the only version of the Birthday song she knows.

    I agree you do have an angelic voice and now you and Clickgirl are in trouble, 'cause you will have to teach us all to do that audio thing!!!! Love you!!!

  5. CJ Check over on SB blog site - the one before those 2 extra blogs came on tonight. I put in an explanation of the difference between Can and American Thanksgiving. I'm glad you're interested. Now you have ME intrigued about who discovered America! I always thought it was Christopher Columbus. Explain please. :)

  6. Hi Leslie
    Sorry I missed your birthday,hope you had a very good one, loved your audio. Since you are teacher maybe you could give us a few lessons in French. Its been more than 40 years since I was in school. Live is just getting better.
    Peggy in Arkansas

  7. Hi CJ Thanks for the info about CC and AV - I'll have to check that out. I remember an old skipping rhyme we used to sing (Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, in 14hundred and 92).

    I've had a couple of requests for the recipe so I'll get it out and put it on the blog for anyone who wants to try it out.

    Man O Man - is RR ever keeping us on tenterhooks!!!!

  8. Hey Leslie! I haven't been over here for a while ... but was spending a little time 'Blog Hopping' today ... and wanted to check out these pics and stuff that several people have mentioned over the past couple of weeks.

    I LOVE the audio recording! Good for you on figuring it out! And I loved hearing your voice. I don't think you have an 'accent'. But I don't think I have one either (ha ha). I was tired when I did the first one (on my Photo Blog) ... as I did that while I was sitting in the Chicago Airport ... and I was pretty wiped out. So many some faint 'Southern-ness' came out. : )

    Anyway ... it was so good to hear your voice and see your fun pics! And YES - we will definitely have to do the Cruise thing! I've always wanted to do an Alaskan Cruise ... so will be saving up for that!

    You take care! This is an exciting weekend for everyone ... and I am thinking about all of my friends who are part of the SB venture! Fingers crossed ... and thinking positive thoughts for all of you!

    Warm regards,



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