Tuesday, March 04, 2008

ABC Wednesday G is for Glasses

I've had a lot of G words in my life lately (grandson, granddaughter, gramma, etc.) but decided to try to go a different direction. So I chose to do G is for glasses. I absolutely HATE having to wear glasses. When I finished high school, my Mom took me to have my eyes checked before starting university and I needed them. I couldn't believe how much I'd been missing for a long time, but back in those days, girls who wore glasses didn't get dates so I wouldn't wear them unless it was absolutely necessary (like to see the notes a lecturer would write on the board or to drive). However, by the time I graduated there was a new invention - contact lenses! So I persevered and wore those hard pieces of glass on my eyeballs as long as I could stand them. Then came the soft lenses and I wore those, too, even though the cleaning fluids burned my eyes. So I got a pot in which I'd sterilize the lenses overnight. Years later came the disposable and daily wear lenses, but by that time I frankly couldn't be bothered with them. I had reach the age where I needed bifocals so got the progressive lenses where you can't see the line. I know my vanity was ridiculous, but it wasn't until after I had my first daughter that my husband got tired of all the rigamarole I'd go through and said to me, "You look fine with glasses. Just wear them!" So I started wearing my glasses regularly, making sure that if they were to be part of my face, I'd be in style and get new ones every few years. Here are a few photos of me through the years wearing glasses. Remember, I said I always was "in style" yet just LOOK at those glasses! Some of them are absolutely ridiculous - unbelieveable!

1976 - with Jamie (3 wks old), who just had Eden

1977 - Jamie's 1st birthday (Look at the size of those tinted monsters!)

late 1980s - frames weren't so heavy but the glasses were still HUGE!

late 1990s - frames thinner and oval, but glasses were smaller.

2004 - bought these frames that looked small on my face 'cuz I was FAT!

Same frames now and I think they're still in style, but am thinking of maybe something different soon..

ABC Wednesday is brought to you by the letter G and Mrs. Nesbitt.


  1. I've had a similar collection over the years.

  2. Oh my goodness! I can totally relate! Reminds me that I need to go in for an eye exam!

  3. This made me laugh Leslie.

    My daughter, now 41, has worn glasses since she was 7. As a teenager she was desperate for contact lens but her ophthalmologist said no, they would not really correct her sight well enough. However at about 19 he relented and she wore them for about 3 years by which time she went back to glasses. I think she last wore the lens for her wedding, 11 years ago.

    I like the look of the current one but I have bifocals so need them as large as you can get which is not very large these days.

  4. Hi Leslie,
    How are you doing today?
    This is a wonderfull G Theme for ABC wednesday, But I can understand your feeling about Glasses, but I must say you look very pretty with glasses, so imagine how you look without, grandmom or mother we all have them right?

    Greetings from JoAnn/Holland
    Visit my G for ABC wednesday

  5. Its interesting how they change. Ive only just got glassess and am still in a bit of deniel and try and do without them! Daft really!

  6. Glasses are Fashion. Spend all your money on glasses and change avery morning into a new person.
    liked you in the blue dress

  7. Marvellous post, but also team the photographs.
    All show a very beautiful lady!

  8. Hi there Leslie. :)
    I remember some BIG blue glasses that i wore in the 80`s.....! ;)
    I have to use glasses or lenses every day. Can`t see without them.... I`m glad i have them. :)

  9. What a clever G ..she writes as she adjusts her own Glasses ... and you look GREAT no matter how biG those frames were

  10. Oh yes,I can relate to that.Great G-post:o)

  11. Lol... this made giggle... glasses are funny how they change so much over the years!!!
    Great post!!
    The Rocky Mountain Retreat

  12. Oh my gosh yes i have been thru so many different style of glasses since i was 12. Great G post
    Hows that new baby?

  13. Very nice photo, and fortunately the fashion change!!

  14. Hi Leslie, I too, need to change my glasses. It's always a dilemma when selecting new ones. Should one go for fashion or comfort?
    I prefer frameless glasses as they blend in with whatever one is wearing.
    Hope new Mum, Baby and family are well, I left a belated message on previous post, the baby is beautiful. Happy Times.xx


  15. ooh yes glasses. I have a picture of me wearing some strange wooden framed ones in the nineteen sixties. I was only 13 but I looked as though I was at least 45 years old. I think I will post it...you may have started a meme...

  16. What a great theme Leslie! Loved all the photos showcasing the different styles. They definitely look better nowadays :)

  17. Great post! I think I need glasses too:D

  18. I look through glasses my entire waking hours and I never thought of GLASSES for my "G" post. Funny how we make this so hard. Good G post.

  19. I have very similar frames for distance. Usually I have trouble finding them and then discover they are on top of my head.

  20. I think you look gorgeous in all of the glasses...you certainly wore glasses for the times...as you know I have just started wearing glasses...and well I am getting use to them...and well I hope they look good on me....I like your "G" list...and your granddaughter is just so beautiful.....hope all is well...

  21. Oh Dear! Did you ever have the kind that looked like something Dame Edna Everage would wear? How fashions change!
    My new ones are multifocals, and I love them! (I've worn glasses since I was 6)

  22. Oh this is a terrific look down memory lane. I could find some shots of me in glasses very similar. This was fun for G, Leslie...

  23. And don't forget G is also for garden, a haven for peace and tranquility.

    I wear specs too, I did think about trying contact lenses but found them too fiddly.

  24. Oh, goodness, glasses. You look great in all of them. And that blue suit looks fabulous on you!

  25. You made me laugh out loud. Yes, I know what you mean. I've had a series of disasters sitting on my nose starting in the mid 60s. *gasp*

  26. Congratulations on the new grandbaby. Great choices for G too, I always love the old photos.

  27. I started wearing glasses in the 7th grade. I was terrified in telling my parents and wearing those hideous things. Thank goodness for contact lens as I grew older. Nowadays, some people like wearing glasses for a stylish look.

  28. I always thought glasses made you look smarter and more intelligent. I actually wanted them for a while! Enjoy your baby!
    - Heather

  29. Styles do change, it is rather funny to see the style I wore in 9th grade making a comeback... ;)

  30. I'm not in love with them either - but glad to have them!

  31. They all look fine to me! I used to wear contacts too but came to the same conclusion as you - they're so much bother! I have got some throw-away ones, even though I need varifocals too - you have to wear the close vision in one eye and he distance vision one in the other. You do get used to it but usually I just leave my glasses off for special occasions. Great pics.

  32. A very good G post, oh how the fashions change, I have some of those BIG ones and also some 'owl' ones!!

  33. I think you look very nice in your glasses!

    I have had glasses since 4th grade. I used to wear contacts but ever since I had my children, they just didn't seem to work with my eyes as well....so I wear glasses all the time. First thing I reach for in the morning, and last thing I take off at night.
    I am LOST without them.

  34. Wow - how fashion and style changes

  35. Thank you for your visit!
    Your post about glasses is both funny and profound !
    Different kinds of glasses match you very well (like a french singer, Nana Mouskouri)and your new style is perfect !
    (I loved the experiense of lenses , alas, it's over)
    Miss Yves

  36. LOL! Same here! I have vari-focals right now, but I do not like them!


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