Friday, May 30, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunters - Through the Years with Me, Myself, & I

Usually I hate to be photographed and prefer to be the photographer, but I guess if I want to play...

Okay - this is me at age 6. I can actually remember going to the portrait studio with my mother and two sisters to have this done. Unfortunately, the chubby cheeks remain to this day.
I attended the University of British Columbia right out of high school, with a couple of small scholarships. I worked every summer at the telephone company to help pay for my fees and residence costs. The photos of me at age 6 and this one are the only portraits I've ever had done, other than my wedding photos, of course.
Then, at age 22 we were celebrating Christmas at my aunt's house. I don't remember this photo being taken and only got it when my Mom and Dad both passed away and it was found in one of their photo albums.
A while ago, just for fun, I did something on Facebook called Hair something or other. So I used the following photo...
and, using my face, put on a bunch of different hairstyles. You can see all the transformations here where I did a post on it. Anyway, here are my two favourites.

I must confess to doing something a bit , well, "sneaky." I used the above right photo (my Dana Delaney lookalike) and posted a bio on "Plenty of Fish." I already had a bio on there with the photo of me in the green shirt but had only had a few responses. I'd hardly hit the enter key when I started getting emails from men all over the place! Hmmm....I wonder why? Needless to say, I removed it.

Anyway, I am me. I am myself. I am I. This is the real me now - a goofy Gramma who loves her kids and grandkids and every precious moment I get to spend with them. (However, I wouldn't mind meeting a goofy Grampa with whom I could share those precious moments.)


  1. Fun getting to see you through the ages. My favorite is the goofy grandma. Although I'm not a grandma, I am definitely goofy. Fun post.

  2. These are all great Leslie. It's fun to see ya through the years. Love the gramma one...

  3. These are all great, but I love that goofy grandma family pic the best :) Happy photo hunting! :)

  4. WHat a wonderful set of photos. They are all great. Happy Weekend!

  5. I like you just the way you are! This is just great seeing all the photo hunters for the first time!
    Happy weekend

  6. Fantastic shots. Love that sixties outfit. I have tried the hair programme. It is really fun.

  7. I love you just the way you are... and enjoyed the old photos but my favorite is the Grandmother photo!

  8. I love the last one best. Mine will show at about midnight.

  9. You are so pretty in your graduation photos.. and so elegant now..

    Nice to meet you.

    Happy weekend~

  10. You are a beautiful woman.. you should be proud, you are an even more beautiful grandma...

  11. Being a Granma myself, I can totally relate to the goofy granma picture - that is exactly how I see myself. I hope you do find a goofy granpa, too.

  12. All great self portraits and I love the grandma one!!!

  13. Hey - I just read your Sicily post with much interest - I've not been further south than Amalfi. Great photos!

  14. Lovely photos Leslie, you always have a wonderful smile.
    I had chubby cheeks at six too and still do. Plus I have/had freckles!

  15. amazing photos! SO great to see you through the years! have a fab weekend!

  16. Wow you are so pretty and i like the second picture very sweet. Happy hunting!

  17. Love all the shots through age transitions. You're beautiful inside and out! :)

  18. Nice post - I love the hair photos!

  19. Wonderful progression of photos! You look great in your own hair. Thanks for visiting.

  20. this is great, mine is somewhat like this so it must be great also, such a cute kid grew up to be a lovely lady.

  21. It was fun looking at your photos! The last one shows pure joy with your grandkids :)

    Have a great weekend!

  22. It is lovely to "meet" you. :) I love seeing you grow up. :) great idea. Nice post for the theme.
    happy weekend.

  23. Fashionistic Grandma! Great shots for today's theme. thanks for dropping by.

  24. What a fun documentation of photos! you still look beautiful throughout the years! (Love the 70's hair!)

  25. They are all wonderful, beautiful pics. I bet you was a real heartbreaker in your student days. Beauty and brains, you were lucky to have them both.

  26. looks so photogenic ;)

    Mine in here Thanks

  27. those are great photos of you. thanks for sharing in here.

    My post in here Thanks

  28. I think I like the last photo best of all!

  29. Cool shots. Compared to the rest, the real you still look better :)

  30. Wow - love all of the photos!! Your graduation one is gorgeous!

    Happy Weekend.

  31. Ooh, I need to do that hairstyles thing! I have been trying to figure out what to do with mine.

    This was fun! I like the goofy grandma one! I hope to be one some day!

  32. I absolutely love all of the pics! You reminded me that I should scan my progression of my school years, they are rather funny...

    I loved these really!

  33. I like you better as you, rather than as the morphed pictures. I must admit, though, I think you would look good totally blonde. Why don't you try it for the summer, just for fun???

  34. Absolutely very glamorous!

    My's shared. It's an "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" type. Hope you can join me. Happy weekend.

  35. nice hair styles! great photo's
    thanks for visiting, mine enjoy your weekend :-)

  36. These are lovely! When it comes to the "hair" things I love the second, particularly those ear-rings! But I'm with the rest on the "goofy grandma"! Great pics!

  37. A great series of photos, great fun! I love the different hairstyles - you could always adopt that dress as well as the hairstyle.

    Thanks for visiting mine earlier:)

  38. I posted a photo when I was child too! I'm not grandma still! But when I watch the photos I can't wait!

  39. Honestly, men are so shallow! I love that hair do however. Grandpa is out there. A really cute one! With lots of patience, a good sense of humor and well, all the other great stuff! You'll find him or he'll find you! I'm praying!

  40. i really love the black and white picture especially the one when you graduated. Very classic!


  41. You are a very beautiful Goofy Grandma!

  42. Love the last pic the best! Love those children!!

  43. You look gorgeous Leslie, through the years. :)

  44. Hair style does indeed make a difference, but I like the very last photo best. Far less serious and much more fun!

  45. Yes, the doctored photos were cute, but so is the real Leslie. And be careful that the photos of the guys you look at are the real thing.

  46. You look lovely in all of them nd prove that maturity = glamour, Leslie!

  47. Those goofy moments with the grandkids are really special. I get to see my grandson often, but my granddaughter lives in the Sudan and I really miss the little lady. Can't wait for her to visit so that I can create some memories with her.


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