Wednesday, July 02, 2008

ABC Wednesday - X is for Xs aka Kisses

Here it is 8:00 pm Wednesday evening, and I suddenly realised that I'd forgotten about ABC Wednesday! Yikes! What to do? What to do? Then Jane said, "You can do kisses - from Noah!" Aha! Perfect! My daughter just left with him and Eden after coming to meet Jane and Don and staying for dinner. So, without further ado, X is for Kisses.

Kisses from #1 grandson Noah.

Who could resist kissing this sweet baby!

Even Jane got in on the action tonight when Noah "took" to her.

Have a great week everyone and I'll have more time to visit everyone next week for the letter Y. To see more participants, please visit Mrs. Nesbitt here.


  1. Leslie I have decided what I like the best about you. You really enjoy life and you go out and live it. You are full of the spirit of love. I like your Spirit Leslie it shines through your eyes.

    I am not just saying that because it is "Say something nice to a Canadian day" here in the U.S. I really mean it.

  2. A lovely X. We just spent several days camping with our grands, and quite a few Xs and Os were part of the proceedings.

  3. Lots of kisses for a lovely family! Good choice for X.

  4. Now that's sweet! Lovely X. Thanks for your visit.

  5. Leslie, these pictures warmed the old cockles of my heart. Lucky you all are to be in kissing distance.
    I am shocked that XOX didn't even occur to me. Guess it is a sign that it is time to get on a plane and visit my little grandsons.
    Thanks for the reminder.
    And thanks for your kind comment. Appreciate y'all's sentiments.

  6. Leslie, what gorgeous little faces. Omigosh!!! I think I would be kissing them all the time. They are adorable, adorable, adorable ♥!

  7. How lovely are the children! Very beautiful photos. Thanks for your visit, Leslie.

  8. I love that photo of Noah when had curly hair! Better late than never! X=kiss is good one.

  9. A lovely family scene!
    E-x-quisite child !
    miss Yves

  10. Back again -- the first time I didn't see that sweet granddaughter. I would share lots of kisses with that sweet thing too! Give them some for me XOXOXOX

  11. Great X-post.
    One of the best saved for last.

    Thanks for the visit,
    Troy and Martha

  12. Very fine! Xs and Os from those little ones are just wonderful!

    "Louis" thanks you for stopping by - he doesn't care if you were a day late - so was he in stopping by here!

    "Louis" is buried deeper than his cowbell in a work project for the next few weeks. He'll be stopping by but likely won't sign the 'guest registry'....

  13. Happy Canada day for the other day!

    Your X pictures are so sweet..what better than xx & oo from loved ones.

  14. You have such a beautiful family, and your grandchildren are so kissable! :0)

    Great idea for the X post.
    Whenever you have time, take a loo at mine!
    Hugs fom Nydia, Brazil.

  15. I have forgotten about X Files being filmed over there, but now you said so, it came back to my mind! Have you ever had the chance of seeing the making of any time?
    Thanks back for your stopping by too! :)
    Kisses from Nydia.


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