Thursday, July 03, 2008

Frames of Mind

I am so sleepy right now that I'm fighting to stay awake. Four nights and three full days of driving around sightseeing, chatting into the wee hours, and having family over for dinner has left me feeling as though I need 24 hours of sleep. (Well, not really. I do tend to exaggerate.) I've enjoyed Jane & Don's visit so much and have gotten to know Jane even better - we both know deep in our hearts that we were made to be friends! We're so much alike it's eerie, and we both feel comfortable confiding in each other about life, love, and everything in between.

We all had to get up early this morning in order to drive into Richmond to pick up their rental car so they could make the 12:15 ferry to Vancouver Island. Naturally, there was a mix-up. We were rushing because I thought I had a 10:45 appointment with my massage therapist, but when I called to tell her the tunnel was backed up and I wouldn't make it, she laughingly told me my appointment is tomorrow! That was a relief because (a) I really need a treatment, (b) my guests ended up getting a better car for the same price because of the agency's mistake, and (c) it gave us time for coffee before they had to leave. So, as one of Jane's T-shirts states, "No worries."

Yesterday, I took them to see my local beach and they walked waaaaaaay out on the tidal flats as the tide was waaaaay out. I sat in the shade at a picnic table and had a wonderful chat on my cell phone with Cathy (my "here" friend) before getting an ice cream bar at the concession stand. When we got home, Jamie had arrived with the two munchkins and not long after, Jaclyn arrived. We had a fantastic meal of grilled halibut, roasted vegetables, corn on the cob, and for dessert we had chocolate/caramelle ice-cream topped with freshly sliced strawberries. Poor Jason (SIL) had to work so missed out.

Tonight Cathy and I are attending the opening of the "Frames of Mind II" art show at our local art gallery. Daughter Jaclyn has entered some of her paintings along with a small book of her poetry. She was there yesterday helping to set up the show and is anxious that all will go well. The show runs from today July 3 through to July 30 so if anyone is in the area, please drop in to view paintings in water, oil, and acrylic along with photographs and original and creative written expression. The Tsawwassen Art Center is located at:

1172 56th St, Tsawwassen (for more information call 604.943.9787)

This is one of Jaclyn's paintings that she has entered in the show, entitled "Act 5, Scene 1, line ?" (I've forgotten the line #) Can anyone guess to what the title refers? I will try to get photos tonight so that I can post something more about the show tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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