Thursday, July 10, 2008

Learning Macros

After owning my Samsung Digimax V700 for two years, I finally pulled out the manual to go over all the special functions. Yes, I know that's a long time, but the camera is so easy to use that I usually just set it to "automatic" and click away. It takes fabulous photos but I think it's time to try something new, don't you?

So I studied up on macros and attempted to shoot some. My daughter is a whiz at all things technological so since she was here for dinner, she took some as well. She showed me little things to do and watch for. We were all over the back yard and in the garden, including down on our hands and knees in the dirt and on the grass. Here are some samples of some of the shots we got

Jaclyn took the photos of the mosquito, the white flower with yellow coming out of the top, and the center of the clematis. I did the leaves, the pinecone, and the daisy. So...what do you think? Any hope for us?

Be sure to click on the photos to enlarge as they look much more magnificent (lol) that way. And tell me if you have a favourite.


  1. I'm just the same Leslie, manualwise. When I first got a digital camera it was so overwhelming, even reading the manual and sometimes they are so confusing. It's easier to set it on auto and shoot away.
    I'd like to take a photography course, just a few lessons to learn how to make maximum use of my camera.

    You did just fine, all lovely.

  2. I wish I had a better camera. My sister is a pro, and she can do soooo many things with hers...

  3. Leslie these are fantastic! I too fancy going on a photography course, will have to see what comes along!

  4. Again Leslie, more wonderful pictures. You certainly are a multi-talented lady.


  5. Leslie, these are great! You will have to teach me how to do that.


  6. A great deal of hope, judging by the beautiful results, Leslie. Well done!

  7. I really like the purple one. I've done some macro shooting but I haven't loved anything I've taken

  8. I am just discovering the macro setting on my camera as well. It only took me six months, though. I printed out and read the manual section about that and other things on my menu on our trip to Mt. Rainier this weekend, and then tried it out. I will probably post some of the successes soon. Did you use a tripod? some other sort of support? (hmmm, that would have been a good support theme idea--I haven't had a chance to get aroudn to the photohunters, I wonder if anyone used it.)

  9. Great photographs - yes it's nice to " fiddle " with cameras , radios , televisions - anything technical and when you've made an important " discovery " it's a great feeling.

    Today my daughter loaded radio to my wife's mobile phone - that was another first ..

  10. The climatis is IMO far and away the best .. I love using my marco and super macro setting ... one thing I have learned ... just as you get ready to push the shutter .. take a breath and hold it .. the steadier you are the better the shot

  11. I am catching up after a busy week and even busier weekend.

    I love macro as you have probably seen on my blog, you have some very good photos here, I like the pink flower with the insect best.


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