Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Video - my first attempt

Last week, my daughter brought her two little ones over for a visit. Noah brought his bathing suit so he could run through the sprinkler and I managed to catch a bit of his fun. He's such a funny little guy and makes us laugh! He started yelling, "Nothing can stop your power!" and I'm not sure whether he was referring to the water, to the wind, to the sprinkler or to himself. Regardless, take yourself back to childhood and enjoy the moment.


  1. Summer fun!! Oh yes... I think all of us can remember running through a sprinkler or a fire hydrant or having a hose sprayed over us!!

    I enjoyed the pictures of your beautiful flowers the other day! Wow!! You definitely have a green thumb!!

    Out here in Iowa we are in the middle of a heat wave - summer finally arrived and is making up for lost time!! Isn't it interesting how "averages" work out??! We had cool weather and now extremely hot weather - so it will look like we had an "average" summer!! Oh well...!

    Take care.

  2. Thanks for your kind comment about my SIL. I'm sure you understand the problem much more than most.

    That sprinkler looks fun!

  3. Leslie, when I was a little kid, running through the sprinkler was one of my favorite things to do. I'm so glad to see little kids still do that. Noah looks so cute, and he's having so much fun!

    We don't need a sprinkler today, do we? *sigh*

  4. Hi all, yes running through the sprinkler takes me back to when I'd do it and when my kids would do it. They always had such a lot of fun!

    And, no Jo, we sure don't want to run through the sprinkler today. However, the gardens need the sprinkles we're having so in a way, we're able to be eco friendly.


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