Monday, August 18, 2008

Future Lady Killer

My son-in-law's sister got married on Saturday. And my grandson almost stole the show!
Noah loves to dance. He got out there on the dance floor and put on a show for everyone! First, he'd hide behind the microphone stand and when the music started, out he'd pop - tada! He amazed everyone with his headstands, Michael Jackson moves, break dancing, dirty dancing lifts (with his Daddy), and flirting with the ladies. Then, when a slow dance began, he came up to his Mommy and said, "Mommy, this is a slow dance. Will you dance with me?" He led my daughter out to the dance floor and led her around while his Mommy was choking up with tears.

Noah is 4 1/2 years old.

I think you'll all get a kick out of these photos. But first, a few family shots.

Jamie with Eden, Jason with Noah

Mother Son Dance

Proud Papa with Precious Princess

"C'mon Dad! Enough beer! Let's groove!"

We'll start with some "dirty dancing" lifts.

Then move on to a bit of break dancing.

A solo to impress the ladies.

Taking a break for wedding cake.

Now some serious John Travolta style of dancin'...

The star of the show just before passing out at 11:30 pm.

Future "lady's man" or what?


  1. Omigosh! The little guy has moves!!!

    Those are the funniest pictures, Leslie. What a hoot! I can just see the man he is going to grow up to be. How fabulous!

    That's an awfully big bottle of beer for him, isn't it? LOL

  2. Yep! Future lady's man for sure. The kid has got the moves.

    What a character!!

  3. Adorable .. does he want to meet my little cousin Alex .. she'll be 4 in March


  4. Jo - he sure does have the moves and isn't a bit shy about showing them off!

    Cedar - a real character. I say he's like his mother, his other grandmother says he's like his dad.

    Daryl - Oh yeah! He already likes the girls! Apparently, he went up to the ladies who were seated when he was dancing and ran his hand under their chins! Yikes!

  5. I would say he is like his Dad, but you know best!!

    What a character!! My eldest grandson is like that :-)

  6. AWWW... perhaps little Noah has a future in Entertainment! My goodness what a cutie! He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! Beautiful little boy.

  7. Those are some precious looking family photos :)

  8. Your family is so gorgeous! That last picture of your grandson is a heart stealer!! The girls better get in line now!

  9. Good Morning - I am just out wandering around this morning in the blogosphere and landed here. Now I can't type because I just finished watching the 'You Can Make A Difference' video - I need to call my kids after I write this and let them know how much I love them. Then I saw the wondeful pictures of your grandchildren - those eyes! I think your grandson has a future on 'Dancing with the Stars' - he would steal the show! Enjoy your day!

  10. Hi Deb, welcome to my blog and please come back often. I never thought about Dancing With the Stars, but I bet he'd love to watch that show! :D

  11. Everyone was telling us to get him in dance classes now so he'll be prepared for "So You Think You Can Dance" when he's a teenager! He taught himself to do headstands and break dance moves already!


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