Friday, August 15, 2008

Who I Am Makes A Difference

Someone who makes a really big difference to me in my life sent me this video through Facebook. I was touched that Loralei feels that I make a difference to her as I think I mostly "take" and she always "gives."

Be sure to watch the video all the way through. It will touch your heart, I'm sure, as much as it touched mine. That said, I want each of you who comes to visit me here on my blog know that you make a difference to me. It tells me you care about what I write, the pictures I post, and most of all what's going on in my life.

A big THANK YOU to all of you and see some of you on ABC Wednesday!


  1. Leslie, stop by and pick up an award at Katney's Kaboodle--because you DO make a difference!

  2. Leslie I have seen that video is great...and I do enjoy reading what you have to say....I very much enjoy visiting your blog...unfortunately I don't seem to get around to read many blogs these days.....

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  3. Leslie - that is so moving, I feel so honored that you say your blog visitors (me included) make a difference, thanks very much. And I would like to say YOU make a difference too. I enjoy reading about your life and travels. Thanks for a wonderful blog.

  4. First I'm going to say that you make a difference in my life by being here and sharing your life. Now I'm going to watch the video. I'm not surprised to see that you have inspired someone.

  5. I've seen that video before and I agree that it touches one heart :)

    Happy Monday!!!


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