Sunday, September 14, 2008

Giggles for Gramma

Babysitting my grandson Noah and granddaughter Eden is so much fun! After Mommy and Daddy left, we got down on the floor and played. I propped Eden up against the sofa and Noah proceeded to entertain her. (see video) I got a couple of cute photos before Eden decided it was bedtime (7 pm) so I fed her and put her in her crib. Then Noah got all ready for bed and brushed his teeth before he dragged out a couple of cars that we played with until story time. We read one about superheroes, one about a ball that spent all day bouncing around the neighbourhood, and one called "I'll Love You Forever" that makes every adult cry at the end. (I managed to hold it in this time, though.) Off he went to sleep and so I was able to read the entire newspaper, do my crossword puzzle, and watch CNN about Palin and Biden Revealed.

After coffee and cereal with yoghurt this morning, I left the family to have their Sunday together. Actually, my daughter needs to sleep while the baby sleeps this afternoon since she only managed 4 hours from the time they got home until Eden woke up. And my SIL will keep Noah company, probably playing cars.

As I drove home in the glittering September sunshine, I thought, "Life is good." I think I just might sit outside on my chaise and read this afternoon -won't be long and all the patio stuff will have to be stored away.


  1. How sweet, pleased you came away feeling great!!!!

    Hope you managed to relax and read all afternoon, on your chaise. :-)

  2. Oh that is priceless! I love the giggles. You're right. Life is good.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time with the grand kids and a good time spent reading in the beautiful out of doors -- I always cry reading "I'll Love You Forever."

  4. Leslie, they are so beautiful! So photogenic too, the camera loves them as well.

    I've been tripping around a bit lately, a little business and pleasure, all fun.

    So sorry to hear about your friend Kathy. What a fine tribute to her, really get a sense of the person, the determination and humor, the cloud angel is amazing.

    I would have loved to have had you as a teacher, I can see you make maths!!!!!! fun!!!!! We had sweet teachers too, but never got the gist of maths.

    Is windy, cool and a little wild the weather today, am catching up on bookwork, then back into painting a house tomorrow.

    Your family has the loveliest family history photos, and geneology is so addictive.

    Take care.


  5. Those are some precious grandchildren you have. I have that same book and I always cry too. To me, spending time with grandkids are some of my happiest days!

  6. Leslie, omigosh, that is SO CUTE!!!! They are absolutely delightful. I'm glad you had a good time with them.

    Isn't this weather spectacular? It was the top story on the news tonight. I could keep this weather forever!

  7. They are so lovely. Nothing like grandchildren for lifting the spirits. It works every time with me!

  8. Wonderful video, & how lovely to hear those baby chuckles. Those children are just beautiful Leslie, no wonder you are so proud of them!

  9. Hello,
    First time visiting
    and Your profile pic
    and this gorgeous kids
    put an happy face on me 2


  10. How lovely to hear all that laughter, your grandchildren are a joy to see.

  11. Oh man, the giggles is awesome!! I'm giggling now!! You are so fortunate to have such loving family... may they always be your foundation in life! I'm so happy life is good for you! You deserve it!!

  12. I love Grandma's and their Grandkids. I am so thankful for all that my mom does to help me with Kaish. She is a forever blessing! LOVE HER! I am so glad you got to spend time with your little angels! Love You Forever is my MOST FAVORITE book! Priceless!


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