Tuesday, April 07, 2009

L is for Lilacs

After all our complaining about the long, cold and wet winter it's finally Spring! The weather has warmed up during the day to the mid-teens Celsius (low 60s F) and everywhere I look I see the flowers and trees starting to bloom. Soon the lilacs will be out in full force and I'm so looking forward to photographing them again this year. I wish I had a lilac bush, but they take so long to grow and to yield their beautiful scented flowers. I guess I'll just have to satisfy myself with long walks in the neighbourhood to admire those in other people's gardens. Here are a few shots I took last year on my rounds.
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  1. Those Lilacs look divine! Wish I had one too!

  2. Mmmmmm, and they smell Lovley, to :) Looking forward to see them in flower again :)

    Happy easter :)

  3. Beautiful shots! Ours are full of buds, but have yet to open! Can't wait! Happy Easter!

  4. They do smell gorgeous. I stop in the street to sniff at them!

  5. Liz, I stop at EVERY tree or bush I pass and take HUGE gulps of the scent!

  6. Lilacs bring back so many fond memories! Thank you for the lovely pictures.

  7. Lilacs always make me think of my grandmother's place in Northern California. She had a bush outside her bedroom window. In the summer it was hot, so she would open the window and in would come such a wonderful smell. Thanks for the memory. I chose lake as my contribution. I invite you to come see my 10,000 year old lake water. - Margy

  8. What a lovely collection of lilacs :-)

  9. I love the scent of lilacs. It brings on such happy memories for me. Like a balm for the soul.
    Your sentence that it was the most depressing day of the year has hit a nerve with me because I was thinking the very same thing here all day today!

  10. I adore Lilacs as well, not only for their amazing colors but for the wonderful aroma! I always go out a snip tons of branches to put into the apartment, it smells absolutely delightful!!

    I hope you are doing well.

  11. My favourite room freshener! Yes a sign that summer is on its way!


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