Tuesday, October 27, 2009

O is for OLYMPICS 2010

October has been a very busy month. As I mentioned in a previous post, there were 3 birthdays to celebrate, Thanksgiving (Canadian), and Halloween this Saturday.

On top of all that, my fiancé received great news that he's been hired as a Security Supervisor for the upcoming Olympics here in Vancouver! What an opportunity he'll have to meet people from all over the world, both athletes and tourists alike. This international company that is handling the security here is the same company that the IOC deals with all over the world. Therefore, if he can optimize this opportunity by doing a great job, we're hoping he might be kept on to work in London preparing for the next Olympics. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, there couldn't possibly be any better setting for a winter Olympics than right here in western Canada amidst the mountains right next to the ocean!

If anyone is attending the Olympics and needs a place to stay, we're renting our guest bedroom with private bathroom. It's just a hop, skip, and a jump into the city to see hockey, figure skating, and speed skating. And one more hop on the special buses that will take you up to Whistler to see the skiing, bobsledding, and luge events. And if you can't make it out this way, be sure to check the TV for not only the games, but also some spectacular scenery from my hometown!

ABC Wednesday is brought to you by Denise Nesbitt. Please take a moment to pop by her place and give her your condolences on the loss of her beloved German Shepherd Wilma.


  1. I was so excited about the Olympics coming, but then we tried to get tickets twice in the lottery. Nothing either time. With the events we wanted to see not on the open availability list we opted to go the TV route instead. But it's a shame with everything so close to home. I see resales sites are opening, but who wants to pay scalpers prices? - Margy

  2. Great Os in this post...how exciting to have the olympics in your city....

  3. How great to to have the winter olympics so near. I'll be watching on the TV so will be able to see your home ground.

  4. How exciting for your fiance! Do you think you will be going to some of the events? I hope so! Very cool!

  5. Brilliant *O*s and you are lucky to be having the Olympics in your country and so close to you.

    Nuts in May

  6. The Olympics couldn't be in a better place. Its gorgeous. Great news for your sweetie. I hope there will be more to come.

  7. Sounds very exciting - enjoy!

  8. So wonderful that your love will be right there with all the action.
    Olympics is a great O! I will be watching at my house. So fun it is in your home town!

  9. How exciting it will be! You'll have to keep us all posted about the big event!

  10. Congratulations on your city hosting the winter Olympics. I attended the Olympics when in Atlanta, GA, USA and it was a wonderful experience.

  11. Thanks for the inside's view on the Olympics, Leslie.

  12. The job sounds way cool.

    My wife wants to go to Lake Placid, site of previous Olympics, to see the US Figure Skating events, which is as close as we'll get to Vancouver, I'm afraid.

  13. I do hope you get over to London for the next Olympics, Leslie it would be wonderful to meet up!
    Our eldest daughter, Kirsten lives within easy reach of the Capital, so perhaps we will go down at that time.

    I too, was terribly saddened by the dreadful news, of Denise's lovely dog Wilma's death.

    Love Di.x

  14. Fantastic! I bet there will be a great buzz about the place.

  15. I LOVED Vancouver! So much, that I've extracted a promise from my husband to take me back there next year! Not hard, since his brother lives there. LOL!

    Whistler, I found a bit strange, like a ghost town almost, but the scenery is magnificent!

    Congratulations to your cousin. I expect he'll have a great time. :)

  16. Congrats on the news, Leslie.
    I'm just dropping in for a short hello and hope you are feeling well these days.
    Hugs and kisses♥

  17. Hey Leslie! As a woman blogger who's interested in the Olympics, you should definitely enter for a spot on the Microsoft Office U.S. Blogging Team and win a chance to go to the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Check out the details here: https://www.officewintergames.com/default.aspx?fac=office

    Make sure to spread the word to your fellow lady bloggers!

    MSFT Office Live Outreach Team


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