Monday, July 25, 2011

B is for BREEZY

Round 9, Fifth Year, Letter B this week! I love ABC Wednesdays as it keeps my creative juices flowing. Thanks to Denise Nesbitt and the ABCW team for keeping things going this long!

As I explained last week, my theme for this round is a form of poetry that combines a feeling or emotion with similes and metaphors. It's something I taught my 4th grade students years ago, something they picked up on very easily and with great creativity. Hope you enjoy this week's B word.


Breezy is bright yellow.

It looks like waves on the seas.

It sounds like lambs on the leas.

It smells like honey from bees.

It tastes like sweet herbal teas.

It feels like wind in the leaves.

Breezy is a huge hug and hello!


  1. Breezy poetry indeed! Like the honeybee you are.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Love it! And I'll bet your students all loved you!

  3. I love the picture illustrating the poem!
    Jane x

  4. Lovely words and picture, Leslie! You are an inspiring teacher! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


  5. A great little poem speaking to all senses.

  6. The drawing that accompanies your poem is delightful. The breeze become tangible thanks to all the senses expressed in your playful poem. Amazing how something invisible can have such an impact. :)

  7. One of my favourite things, breezy weather! Breezes carry smells and sensations nothing else can beat.
    Your poem and picture express wonderful breezes perfectly.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  8. Your breeze poem is brilliant, Leslie. And it's such a beautiful B word. I admire your challenge to yourself... such a creative venture.

  9. I loved your Breezy poem today. I too, chose to use poems as my theme this time around also. However, I am not a poet, I just enjoy messing with my Brain sometimes.

  10. Many happy breezies! Lovely poem Leslie.

  11. I love the poem and the illustration too.

  12. This is so delightful! I love what you are doing with this new Round.

    The picture is perfect too.

  13. Beautiful poem. Reading it refreshes my scattered mind as of this moment -sigh- Thanks for the visit I do appreciate it.


  14. Love your hug and hello Breezy.
    This is such a fun excercise. I'm going to have to remember it for my granddaughter. She's quite the 11 year old writer.

  15. That is so refreshing! We have had a beautiful breeze here today after humidity so thick I could hardly breathe -- at least by San Diego standards. Cute picture an really nice poem

  16. Breezy is wonderful until it goes past 15 mph! Which we had a lot of this past spring.
    What a great piece of writing! Loved it!

  17. Sweet poem, - and the picture is delightful too, Leslie.

  18. It's so breezy here despite being so hot! love the poem and drawing.

  19. Your poem gave me a flashback to Tom Bombadil, but that is not a bad thing :-)

    Thank you for your kind comment. It was much appreciated.

  20. And I think Breezy is Blue - Brr, but I love your bright and breezy yellow version.

  21. Lovely breezy poetry! I especially like the "lambs from the leas and sweet herbal teas" :) Happy Wednesday.

  22. When it is hot, you love the breeze.

    But when it is cold, breeze, please go away.

  23. Breezy is such an evocative word, which your poem captures marvellously.

  24. What a wonderful way to begin my day! Thank you! Great "B" idea.

  25. Perfect word for by the ocean! Love your poem as well - I'll have to use the form with my class!
    have a great weeke!

  26. I like the poem. It's so easy to remember and I could probably teach this to my preschooler. : )

  27. Lovely leslie. You've really captured breezy!

  28. Oh, I could virtually taste the breeze on my tongue as I read this, what a fresh, vibrant read - bravo Leslie!

  29. That has cheered me up and made me feel cooler - thank you.


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