Friday, July 22, 2011

Boys and their toys

It was a lovely Friday today (for a change) so I met a friend for a mini picnic down at Garry Point in Steveston. It was a nice couple of hours watching all the boats going in and out and watching little boys play with sticks in the water. Here's a little slideshow of what I saw. Enjoy.


  1. Give a boy a stick and a body of water and he's happy! Looks like a relaxing day!

  2. Wonderful, Leslie. Your slide show is almost as good (almost) as being there. So wonderful to see boys with imaginations playing with natural things instead of computerized games, and I love the fishing boats, pleasure boats, tugs, barges and other reminders of BC's beautiful coast.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  3. What a happy slideshow. You have cheered me up.

  4. We had our first to Steveston last Spring. It is a fun place with lots of great boats to watch. - Margy


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