Monday, November 07, 2011

Q is for QUIET

When I was in Grade 7, my Mom attended the annual Parent/Teacher Conferences because my report card had indicated that I was "reticent" in class. I had never heard that word before and was, therefore, terrified that I was in some sort of trouble. I later learned it meant "quiet," but my mother could not believe the teacher had written the comment for the correct student. However, it appears I was indeed "reticent" in class - quite the opposite of what I was like at home. We all had a good laugh and I never again worried about what the teachers wrote on my report cards.

I am naturally a very optimistic person, full of good humour, and with an internal strength when confronted with life's indomitable difficulties. However, there have been times (as my regular readers are aware) when life has knocked me down flat on my face. It has been during those times when I have needed the quiet moments to build up the strength to go forward. I know there are other people who have endured worse than I have, especially Job. I'm actually looking forward to reading this Book again with one of the Grade 12 students that I tutor. He has no knowledge of the Bible, so this will be an interesting time of sharing God's ideas of why people suffer. Here is my take on "Quiet."


Quiet is the archetypal blue of the sky.

It looks like an eagle soaring so high.

It sounds like the silence of the first soft snow.

It smells like early primrose in the meadow.

It tastes like the coolness of candy cane.

It feels like a peace that touches the pain.

Quiet is a sigh that that comes from the soul.

This is where I like to go when I need quiet times. It's the Boundary Bay Regional Park near my home. I like to wander the back trails where I can see wild birds, rabbits, and the occasional fellow walker. It's near the salt water of Boundary Bay and the air is fresh and salty. I do my best thinking here.

ABC Wednesday is in its fifth year and on its ninth round, thanks to the quintessential Mrs. Nesbitt and her qualified and quirky gang of assistants! To check out other contributions and/or to join in the fun, simply click here.


  1. I never got too quiet on a report card in my life! It was usually "Nancy needs to settle down and stop talking to her neighbors!"

    I love the book of Job!

  2. you, quiet? OK, if you say so.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Nice place to go for a little quiet contemplation. I remember kindergarten teachers who would write comments on report cards about whether or not the children were college material. Such pigeon-holing. Hopefully lives weren't changed in that early moment. - Margy

  4. Those last two lines are quite quintessential!

  5. Quiet is good at times. nice place to find it.

  6. Love your take on quiet!! and a fantastic shot too.

    Q is for quadruped

  7. I like the poem and your post for the letter Q. I think my teachers would have liked it if I were quieter.

  8. Sweet post. When I was a girl I was also quiet. My parents told me they'd give me a nickel for each time I raised my hand. I raised my had a lot, but still didn't say much...LOL.

  9. Beautiful and a nice quiet place!! Enjoyed the little anecdote you shared!!

  10. The sigh of the heart and the soft fresh snow. Beautiful images of Quiet.
    I love your comments from the teacher. At least you learned a new word from that encounter.

  11. It feels like a peace that touches the pain.

    Quiet is a sigh that that comes from the soul.

    Beautiful lines. The park looks like a perfect place to spend some quiet time. Definitely a "reticent" place.

  12. You have a beautiful place to go when you need quiet.

  13. That comment could have applied to me — at school, but not at home. It's funny how some children behave completely differently in different places.
    I love your definition of Quiet, and your photo of Boundary Bay. One of my mother's aunts lived there for most of my life, and it's one of my favourite places, too.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  14. Lovely poem, Leslie, and as beautiful place to go and contemplate.

  15. Quiet is good for the soul, isn't it? What a lovely place to walk.

  16. My mom never tires of my first day in a new school. She came to pick me up and found me sitting alone in a corner since I refused to shut up !! :D. I think I am reticent now !!

    Pheno, ABCW Team

  17. Atr you still "reticent"? When I was in year 1, my principal told my dad I was "reticent" and asked if I was a retard. Dad didn't tell me until I was an adult.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. wonderful place to have a quality and quiet time.

  20. We need a quite time or shall I say time out? Happy Wednesday and thanks for the visit!


  21. The only quiet time I have here at home is when the kids are sleeping lol. Beautiful post Leslie.

  22. Eek report cards, I think you got off lightly, and have not looked back since:-)
    Nice to have a national park nearby, nothing like nature to calm the soul.

  23. Loved the poem. Quiet is one of the greatest blessings for me. Some times I can't turn off my own head!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Occupy was exactly what I had in mind when I included that quote.

  24. Thank you for your kind comment. Your Dutch friends will probably say that we have a constitutional monarchy. That is right, but it's the same with the monarchies of Britain, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Spain. It's all very complicated. I hope the giveaway arrives in time before X-mas.

  25. Some have to learn to be quiet - for others it is natural.


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