Sunday, November 13, 2011

R is for RESPECT

November is always a time of remembrance and respect. We remember our Canadian Armed Forces for their participation in all wars since confederation (1867). Because of our ties with the British Empire, Canada joined forces in the Second Boer War, World War 1, and World War 2. Canada has also participated in multinational coalitions and fought in the Korean War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, and the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. As well, Canada has played an important role in peacekeeping operations worldwide and has sent more troops than any other country.

Along with remembering Canada's military forces for their sometimes heroic endeavours to keep our country and other countries democratic, we show our utmost respect to them on November 11 every year. We honour them for their specific actions and conduct and respect them for their dedication to freedom. Here is my poem about respect.


Respect is a blood-tinged soldier's cerise.
It looks like privates positioned at ease.
It sounds like everyone saying "Please."
It smells like the cool crisp scent of autumn leaves.
It tastes like the bread and wine we receive.
It feels like reverberating vibrations of sound.
Respect is honoring the moral high ground.

Thanks to Denise Nesbitt and her radiant and ravishing group of revolutionaries for keeping ABC Wednesday alive. We refuse to restrain ourselves as we revere the ridiculous to the reflective to the romantic revelations of our contRibutoRs. Click HERE to reward yourselves and rejoice in renowned reflections.


  1. And here I was expecting aRetha!

    Nice post, REGARDLESS.


  2. Roger, I almost went that direction!

  3. Hi Leslie! Respect is a great word!
    In my country people are full of respect for the Canadian army, for they liberated the Netherlands in the spring of 1945. Year after year we commemorate them who gave their lives, on the 4th May. On the 5th we have a happy day, for then we celebrate our Liberation Day.
    Thanks for your kind comment! Have a great week, Leslie!

  4. 11 November is such an important day in the UK, too.

  5. Great post and R word. I live in NYC and so often I feel there is so little respect. Walking down the block, people walk 3-4 abreast and don't even try to move out of the way for oncoming pedestrians. There only too often is very little 'right of way' given and so few friendly salutations passing others. Even on this simple level, we need more respect. Aretha Franklin had it right.

  6. I saw Aretha singing R.E.S.P.E.C.T. on a Sunday afternoon show on TV this past Sunday.

  7. A lovely poem and tribute. The free world's military men and women deserve our utmost respect. But what a great world it would be if everyone gave and was given respect?!

  8. Respect is honoring the moral high ground.
    I really respect what Canada believes.

  9. bRilliant R for respect post and poem, Leslie!

  10. A lovely tribute to our military forces.

  11. Leslie - great post - but I was another expecting music to burst forth

  12. A great post, Leslie, - what a grand world it would be if we would all respect one another. Your poem is very relevant.

  13. Hi Leslie —
    "Re" Wil's comment about the people of The Netherlands, we certainly found it to be true. Respect for Canada, and gratitude for our troops in WWII were everywhere. Almost every Dutch person we met thanked us! It was wonderful.
    Another blogger friend, Mara, who drives tour buses, once reprimanded an American who said "We saved your country"... "No, you didn't," she declared, "the Canadians did!"

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  14. You write poems that are so powerful on an emotional level and otherwise. We just celebrated Veteran's Day here, so respect and remembrance is very apropo.

  15. My parents instill in our heart and mind to respect every individual.

    My R is about Raking Leaves, please come and see.

  16. I wish the custom of wearing the poppy out of RESPECT were more prevalent in the States -- at least more than it is in Southern California. My grandfather fought in the the 2nd Boer War as well as WWI

  17. Really Respectable post this...

    Pheno, ABCW Team

  18. the theme of my school is respect. I have to remind my school kids.

  19. We could all use a little more respect, and could probably dish out a lot more than we normally do.

  20. Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it deserves the highest respect!!
    My R post is here.

  21. Hi,I have just found your blog through the ABC and Mrs Denise Nesbbit who is a very dear friend of mine.I am quite new to all this and my first ABC post.Look forward to reading more from you.Lovely Respect post.Jill x

  22. Un très beau billet et un très bel hommage aux forces militaires!
    Merci pour le partage. Et merci pour la visite et le commentaire dans mon blog;o)


    Belle fin de semaine****

  23. I love your poem! And I love it when respect is shown!!! :)

  24. Love the first line especially.

    Are you still planning to come over here next year? Early September we'll be in Italy - for the wedding - so I hope it's not then! That thought just occurred to me.


Join the fun and even go off topic if you want! :D