Sunday, December 04, 2011

U is for UNITY


Unity is a milky, pearly white.
It looks like starlight on a clear, bright night.
It sounds like a cob calling to his pen.
It smells like popcorn shared in the den.
It tastes like sweat as we share one life.
It feels like serenity throughout the strife.
Unity is two, a husband and wife.

ABC Wednesday is the brainchild of Denise Nesbitt, the mainstay in our group of bloggers. Thanks to her and her unified union of utterly committed and useful assistants! Click here to participate or to just check in and see what we all do.


  1. That is an ideal, not always manifest in humans or many creatures.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. I agree, Roger, but so are a lot of other things like honesty and trust. However, If a man's reach does not exceed his grasp, then what's a heaven for??

  3. It can be had in a marriage.....just not're right Leslie, that will only happen in heaven. But in this imperfect life, I have found lots of unity with my dear husband! And when it's not to be found, well we have more than one room in the house and each has a tv. :)

  4. I love that poem - unity is certainly very special - great shots of the cob and pen - have a good week - Jane

  5. Unity - serenity throughout the strife. Beautiful words. Thank you.

  6. Love that photo. I love the line, 'It looks like starlight on a clear, bright night.' What beauty a starlight clear bright night is.

  7. Lovely words, Leslie, - and something to strive for.

  8. Unity is definitely something to strive for.
    In a perfect world its attainable.
    Your word pictures are terrific and I look forward to them every week.

  9. Lovely poem and picture,I love swans they are so graceful.Love Jill xx

  10. Very nice poetry and stunning photo!

  11. I think it is a basic need for us human beings. Another great piece of prose!

  12. Nice poeme !
    ABC Team

  13. I absolutely love the photograph of the swans. Unity is a great word to feature.

  14. Calm, peaceful -- and beautiful...

  15. What an adorable shot. I love the little babies! I also love the poem you accompanied with it. Lovely thoughts.

  16. I so admire your turn of thought, this is beautiful Leslie, and when it comes to ideal, yes, I believe our reach should always exceed our grasp.

  17. I am going to visit ladner in Jan with my son.
    Any advice to enjoy for my holiday?

  18. It's very good that you used a photo of swans for this post. The unity of a swan family is well known and the unity of a swan couple will last until death takes one of them away.


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