Monday, November 28, 2011

T is for TRUST

I thought I had written on this before, and I have. If you're interested, you can click here to see my previous post.

This time, however, I'm thinking a bit differently and considering what
trust actually "is." I understand it to be both emotional and logical. Emotionally, I expose my personal vulnerabilities. Logically, I assess the probabilities of what I might gain or lose depending on the previous actions of the other person.

Therefore, trust means being able to predict what others will do in certain situations; trust means that I expect reciprocity, even if it's delayed; trust is allowing others to take advantage of my vulnerabilities but expecting that they won't.

Have you ever tossed a baby into the air? Most babies love this and never consider that you would let them fall. That is


Trust is a calm and confident blue.

It looks like an oasis in the midst of a slough.

It sounds like shouts of clear convictions.

It smells like the stimulating salt of the oceans.

It tastes like deep draughts of discernment.

It feels like faith in a confident comment.

Trust is the tender texture of temperament.

As the sun went down last night, I reflected upon the fact that
I trusted that the sun would come up in the morning.

As usual, thanks to Denise Nesbitt for creating ABC Wednesday and continuing to temptingly tease us with treatises, theories, and tests of creativity.


  1. I always say trust is hard to gain and easy to lose!

  2. Nancy, you are too right! Once bitten, twice shy too...

  3. I often trust too easily. As with everything, sometimes moderation is good. - Margy

  4. I trust that you will write something interesting; my trust has not been lost.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. An excellent understanding of the word.

  6. I like your poem. "is a calm and confident blue" describes trust so well.

  7. Beautiful post and precious word.

    T is for...

  8. I love your poem and photograph. I am trusting in general but take it very hard when people prove not to be trustworthy.

  9. In a relationship, I place trust over like or respect. Again, a thoughtful poem.

  10. Very thoughtful, as usual. You certainly get my brain working.
    Its scary to put full trust in someone once being disappointed.
    Your poem says it all. Thank You!

  11. Trust is something very valuable.
    Hopefully it is mutual.
    Thanks for your visit to "A Tale of two cities". Reading Dickens becomes easier if you read more and more of his books. I often had the wish to get a special Dickens dictionary, because he uses a vocabulary, specific to him only. Unfortunately there is not such a dictionary. In spite of this I read eleven of his books. I love them all.

  12. I'm really enjoying your poetic theme this go-around!

  13. A unique and thoughtful take on the letter T Leslie. Thank you. I expect that like the baby waiting to be caught that we all trust until we are let down : ( I like your comparison of trust to a colour and think that your choice of blue is most apt.

  14. Beautiful poem and images (verbal and visual). I love your use of alliteration! It's just so much fun to read.

  15. Great take on the T prompt. I have over the years learned that trust needs to be earned in many areas of our lives.

  16. A perceptive post, Leslie, - it seems trust must sometimes be moderated with a little defensive cynicism...but then, pof course, it really isn't trust, is it?

  17. Trust is very important. No relation works without trust.

  18. To me, trust means implicitly that I do not have any other expectation from the person I am trusting, otherwise I could not trust.

  19. Excellent and profound poem. Trust...we do it every day without even thinking about it. You sit down in a chair trusting it will hold you. You trust your car will start with you turn the key.

    The most important time I trusted, was to trust the Word of God to be true, and accept what it says without doubt.

    You always make me dig deep and think things through. Love what you do with ABC Wed.

    Sorry I havent commented in a few weeks...getting over my gb surger.

  20. Thanks for your visit and comment. It's true what you said that the death of a loved one looks like it happened yesterday, even if it's more than 10 years ago. We will never forget, will we?

  21. I apologize I didn't get around to seeing you last week! It was a crazy week with travel and the holidays. This is a great post on trust. And, of course, trust requires a certain amount of faith....which is hard to come by sometimes.


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