Saturday, June 01, 2013

U is for UNDER

 In English, the word "under" is used as a preposition and has several meanings.  It could mean "in a lower level," "less than," "below the surface of," "as a subject of," or figuratively "in the face of; in response to (some attacking force).

Since it was the first word I thought of when I was considering what to do for our U week, I went through my photos to see what I could find that related to the word under.  I found quite a few and put together my weekly slideshow set to the music "Almost Paradise."  Please enjoy, but before you do, let's remember the unequalled Mrs. Nesbitt for creating ABC Wednesday and the ubiquitous Roger for all he does by administering the site.  Also, remember the united team that does its utmost to visit everyone each week.  Now turn up your sound and enjoy the show.
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


  1. Hi Leslie,lovely slide show as always so many pretty photos.Thank you for the comment on my blog hope your back is better soon,just when is it going to end !!!!Love Jill xx

  2. unusually fine!
    (OK, not that unusual; you're usually brilliant!)

  3. These are all fantastic shots. I went with under too but didn't do anything like as good of a job with it as you did.

  4. Such beauty you have shown today. We really get to live in this wonderful paradise daily, I try not to take it for granted.

  5. Love the Jolly Green Giant and I think the reflection on the rainy day is perfection.
    A real prize winner Leslie.

  6. Some ultra beautiful photos here, Leslie, and great composition and music in the smilebox, - thanks and congratulations.

  7. Wow - each picture more beautiful than the last!

  8. Your "under" is more beautiful than my "under"!
    Thanks for the beautiful music and photos.Have a great week.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  9. Lovely series of pictures, Leslie. I love the flower photo's!

  10. Undoubtedly almost paradise in your photos. I love the Rowan tree composition.

  11. undoubtedly U post. that's all the u i got.

  12. Yes, I like under ... under the cloak of happiness.

  13. undoubtedly unique! and not "almost Paradise" either because your images made me hope Paradise has many of these views.

  14. Great photos and beautiful music. I think I really am back to ABC now. It took a while!

  15. Beautiful pictures and music!

  16. Every Under is Utterly lovely! Thank you for the amazing slideshow!

  17. what about down under for New Zealand and Australia.

  18. I went through the comments as the video is not playing on my computer (will have to move to another computer) but a half a minute and saw the bridge with some stream under it. Loved it.


  19. I especially like the fountain and the reflection under piles.

  20. Wonderful variety of views and macros! Love the duckling with Mum and the last scene of snowy mountains!

  21. What a beautiful composition of under(s) !

  22. Such a beautiful slideshows of U images!

    Universal Wrap
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  23. U captured U so well! I enjoyed the show:)


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