Friday, September 18, 2015

K is for British slang words


No story, no moral, no point today except to bring you a few odd British words that we also use in Canada that begin with the letter K.  Just for fun.
KERFUFFLE (a big fuss)
KNACKERED  (tired, exhausted)
KNICKERS (underwear)
KNOCK UP  (wake up)

KNICK (to steal)

 KNEES UP (to party hardy)

So there you have it - some strange vocabulary for some but if anyone has any British heritage at all, I'm sure you've heard at least some of these.  Thanks to the adorably kitschy Mrs. Nesbitt, the creator of ABC Wednesday and to our keen administrator Roger.  Also many thanks to each member of the team who leaves knockout comments so everyone feels welcome.


  1. Your entry puts a smile on my face, a big one ... thank you!

    Have a nice ABC-Week / Day
    ♫ Mel☺dy ♫

  2. Kerfuffle shows up in political discussions. "Donald Trump's comment about X caused a kerfuffle."


  3. I have to admit the first time I heard "Knock Up" used as "Wake Up" it threw me for a loop...I still have trouble with that one....

  4. Remember "Knees Up, Mother Brown"?

  5. Knickers is not that common anymore in the USA, but you do hear it sometimes. Knocked up means getting pregnant in the US, so be careful using anything like that here. Happy ABC Wednesday, my friend!

  6. My British heritage makes all these familiar - even the 'knock up'!

  7. What a fun post.

    Frankly My Dear

  8. A definite smile indeucer and a few chuckles as well! Great post.

  9. So funny Leslie. Kerfuffle is a great word which generally seems to be said in a sentence as 'a bit of a kerfuffle '. Don't know why ,one of the mysteries of language.

  10. leave it to the Brits for some funny cartoons using their language a bit different from American English.

  11. A fun post to read! Have a great week and keep smiling...

  12. Love the word kerfuffle, I like trying to find ways to use it. Oh and I really love the Maxine cartoon.

  13. Fun words.
    My Hubby had a woman working for him that was from England.
    She told him that a male friend had "come to knock her up"
    Hubby said what????
    She meant he had come to visit her at her home.


  14. Has someone already told you that in the U.S., knocked up means to be pregnant? I can hardly wait to tell someone that we ought to get knees up.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  15. This was such a fun post. Some were new ones, though - knees up - never heard of that.

  16. Loved reading this one !! :)

  17. Knocked up means getting pregnant in the UK too. As does up the duff.


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