Monday, September 28, 2015

L is for LOVELY

This week ABC Wednesday is brought to you by the Letter L - not only as for MOI (Leslie) but also for LOVELY as in the lovely weather we've had since the drought ended.  It had to be one of the worst summers I've spent here at home.  There was absolutely no respite, not even a drop of rain or drizzle and the heat was unbearable.  I don't know how people live in hot and humid climates! 

Anyway, I thought I'd bring you a few photos of my little corner of the world to show you how lovely it is right now.  My favourite place to be is near the water.

First up, here's a lovely little home-made sailboat that was docked at Wellington Point the other day.
And here's another little outboard motor boat that was hiding in the grasses and reeds down by Sharkey's Restaurant at their wharf.
Here's a shot of part of the river that runs through Ladner (OH! Another L word!)
Here is a shot across the water to the marina where lovely fishing boats are moored.
And finally, I just can't resist including a picture of my "granddog" Lucy and Tegan waiting patiently while I do my thing.
Thanks to the lovely Lady Nesbitt, the creator of ABCW, and to the likeable Lord Roger, our administrator.  Don't forget about the loyal team of ABCW'ers who leap from blog to blog to leave lovely comments for everyone.


  1. thank you, lovely Leslie!


  2. Simply Loverly......
    You do Live in a Lovely part of the world.
    Glad your drought is over, ours is far from over!

  3. Very much enjoyed your presentation...

  4. What a 'lovely' corner of the world you Live in. Thanks for sharing it with us today.

  5. Wow! It is lovely and I'm jealous as I've just returned home after walking for hours in the city's heat and humidity. Enjoy your lovely weather and have a great week.

  6. Lovely, lovely... all your photos are lovely and lively!
    Have a lovely week.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  7. A very lovely post indeed! Have a wonderful week!

  8. What lovely photos! And weather! And dogs!

  9. Leslie,
    Ladner sure LOOKS LIKE a LOVELY place to LIVE,
    LITTLE wonder that you smile a LOT,
    I enjoyed LOOKING around your habitat,
    Great pictures TOO !

    ABCW team,

    PS> I've replied to your comment on my post, Dx

  10. At first glance i thought... has she visited my country? ;-)
    Looks like Dutch scenery...

    Wonderful photos !!

    Have a nice ABC-week / day
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  11. at each pic i was saying Lovely , Lovely and Lovely :)


  12. A fun post! I enjoyed it very much!

  13. You could hold a caption contest with the expressions of the two waiting and adorable canines. The sail boat makes me wish to take a ride on the water.

  14. Oh, very nice. Glad you have rain, - please send some to the Similkameen!

  15. That is a lovely little sailboat. I probably could live with one that size, but Wayne is looking for something larger to put on Powell Lake. And this is only months after swearing, "No more boats!" Thanks for stopping by to comment today. - Margy

  16. Your drought has ended. Hurrah! I'm hoping ours (in CA) will end, too. It's actually raining right now. Yaaay!
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  17. For once we also had a hot summer in Belgium, and now I am rather sad that it is over ! Autumn is not really my cup of tea !

  18. LOVING your posts .I enjoy being near the water too ..super photos .Thanks for sharing. xo

  19. This has been a dry year for us in india too. It's only now that we finally got some rain. Being near water is wonderful. Enjoyed your pictures.

  20. This has been a dry year for us in india too. It's only now that we finally got some rain. Being near water is wonderful. Enjoyed your pictures.


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