If you've been following this blog for at least a year, you'll know that I've been having a lot of trouble with my lower back. For more information, you can read my previous posts about it
here or
here or
Briefly, I have spinal stenosis, two more discs that are herniated, and something called spondylolisthesis which happens when the spine, which interconnects to one another, slips forward onto the vertebrae below. I can feel and hear the grating and once a friend even heard it when she was standing about six feet away from me at the time.
So tomorrow is the big day when I arrive at the hospital at 7:00 am (PST) to prep for my surgery which is scheduled for 9:00 am. I've had all the pre-op stuff done (5 vials of blood taken, an ECG, chest x-ray, meetings with a nurse and the anaesthetist) and phoned the surgeon's office today to confirm all is a go. My daughter is coming to get me tonight and I'll sleep over there because she's only 5 minutes from the hospital and she's driving me there in the morning and will keep my belongings until the next day.
I'm hoping to be home by Saturday - as long as everything proceeds smoothly, I've been told I'll stay 4 days in the hospital. I personally think that's not long considering the actual operation takes 4 hours and then I'm in recovery for another 4 hours. But then, I'll probably rest better in my own home. The total recovery time is 3 months in a brace so after that I'll be getting back to the gym and the pool and get out walking more and more. I'm actually considering myself lucky to have the surgery done at this time of year because when I get to take that brace off, it'll be spring and I'll be all ready to romp.
Now don't think I'm not scared! Well, not scared actually, but rather very anxious. At the back of my mind is that niggly little worry that something bad might happen, but I refuse to allow it access to the front of my mind. I'll leave it up to all you, my faithful readers, to send up a little prayer, think good thoughts for me, or even just cross your fingers and toes. Now that I'm so happy having found love again, I have so much to live for.
Josie will put something on her blog to let you all know I made it through but I'll be sure to post when I get home and I'll tell you all the gory details....just kidding. Have a great week everyone!