Hi everyone! This will be very brief as it's still extremely difficult for me to sit up for long. I still also have a lot of pain and am on vert strong painkillers. So just to let you know, I'm home and will give more details of my "advenuture" at another time. It was bad. More and more forceful pain that I could ever imagine. I lost a lot of blood causing the surgery to go on an extra hour and a half. My blood pressure plummeted and is still quite low. Thanks for all the well wishes and you'll be hearing from me more often again quite soon.
pain meds,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
About Me

- Leslie:
- Delta, British Columbia, Canada
- I took very early retirement from teaching in '06 and did some traveling in Europe and the UK before settling down to do some private tutoring. As a voracious reader, I have many books waiting in line for me to read. Tell me I shouldn't read something, and I will. I'm a happy, optimistic person and I love to travel and through that believe that life can be a continuous learning experience. I'm looking forward to traveling more some day. I enjoy walking, cycling, water aerobics & and sports like tennis, volleyball, and fastpitch/baseball. I'm just getting into photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying learning all the bits and bobs of my digital camera. My family is everything to me and I'm delighted to be the mother of two girls and the Gramma of a boy and a girl. I may be a Gramma, but I'm at heart just a girl who wants to have fun.
So sorry to hear it was worse than it was meant to be - as a lot of surgery can be, but great to hear you are home and hoping that it has worked! Thinking of you :)
Thinking you Leslie, great that you are home ...don't try and do much at once...:-) Take care Anne
Oh dear... well don't think about blogging right now... just relax, rest and I'm so happy you are ok and home....
Welcome home ..now take it easy no skiing for you , just yet :-)
Glad you are home, sorry to hear you had a difficult time, take care and don't try to do too much.
B xx
I am glad you are home. I am sure that you will soon be on the mend.
Take Care xx
You have lots of mending to do, so keep taking those pain pills and REST!!
YAY! I'm glad you're home.
Feel better soon. We'll still be here - Peace - D
We'll be here when you're able to write again. Take care of you.
Oh, I'm sorry it was bad...but I'm so encouraged your home! Just keep that pain under control and don't be trying to clean house or anything. Just have people wait on you! I wish I was there because I would help you....that is if I didn't freeze to death trying! missed you!
Well I am sure you are glad that it is over and I hope you will be on the mend very soon.
Sorry it was so bad for you. Take care Leslie.
Leslie's stoned. Ha. I mean, I sure hope you feel better soon...(stoner).
Seriously, I am glad you are home and recouperating and you have people to help out. I have been thinking of you and sending out what I hope is good energy.
Hope to see you up and around soon.
p.s. save any of the painkillers you don't use my birthday is just around the corner.
Glad to hear you're home but bad about the pain... hope you're progressing albeit slowly.
Every Blessing
Chris x
Hooray, you're home! Sorry it was all so horrid and hope your recovery will be much speedier than anticipated. xx
Thanks for letting us know you're home. I'm so sorry you've had such a rough go of it and you will be in my thoughts. Take good care of yourself, Carver
I'm glad you're home, Leslie! Maybe when you're feeling better I can pop out to visit you. Please let me know if you need anything, but I have a feeling you are being taken very good care of...! :-)
Clarice ♥
Sorry it's been and is, bad, Leslie but glad you are home. Love and best wishes from Sicily xx
It is really good to hear that you are home although in pain and weak so just take it v e r y slowly for a while to let the body heal. Thinking of you. x
Yes, it's good to know you are home again. Take good care.
I hope you feel better soon.
I am glad you are home where you can recuperate in familiar surrounding with loved ones. I'll be sending you good wishes and thoughts. - Margy
I'm soooooooo happy that you are home with us. Have patience and it'll all go behind you soon. Rest your self. Best wishes......
Wishing you the best.. in recovery :D
And take all the help & meds in this time, to be comfy & happy and rested !!!
You have a great support group - so don't sweat it !! Veg for the time it takes to heal the acute portion of your surgery :)
Welcome back, Leslie.
Put your feet up and let us know what you want done around the house ...
Cucumber sandwiches?
Turn up the heating?
Chocolate chip cookies?
All better now? !!!!!!
Hi Leslie,
Glad you're home and I do hope the pain relief gives you some comfort.
Also sorry to read the 'op' was such an ordeal, you jut take it easy, don't try to do too much.
We've had our share of drama here which I've written about on my sit, hence the reason i've not been able to keep in touch....
Anyway back now so will be able to keep in touch with you!
Take care my friend.
I hope you soon recover and are back to full health
Cheers Petrus
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