Continuing with my theme of photography for Round 10, I'm writing about taking videos. Most digital cameras these days have the capability of taking videos, but before doing so, you need to rethink your methods. If you want to video a wedding, your children or grandchildren, travel adventures, wildlife, sports or a concert, it's always best to be prepared. Whether you use a point and shoot or a fancy DSLR camera, I know that I found these hints to be helpful.
First, when taking a video you must never move your camera into a vertical position. Keep it horizontal and try to tilt the camera up and back down to get the full image. Also, never use auto focus but rather use manual mode. With a DSLR, set your camera to 24 frames per second, the shutter speed to 1/50 second, and adjust the aperture depending on the lighting of your surroundings.
Remember, with video it's all about movement so find an interesting angle, shoot the same scene in different ways, and get close to the action. Use a slow pan or a still. Going from still life to real life makes photography much more interesting.
Even though cameras can work straight out of the box, accessories can be helpful to expand your shooting options. Try using a telephoto lens, which is sort of like using binoculars to get up close to the action. A wide angle lens gives a greater range and an external mic gives better sound quality. Finally, a tripod can move your camera with the action while at the same time keeps it steady.
I guess the next step for me is to start experimenting with the video capability of my camera. Let me know how you do with your videos!
Vast thanks to Denise Nesbitt for her valuable contribution to world-wide friendships. I love visiting as many posts as I can and try to be vigilant about voicing various observations. By the way, did I ever mention that I once saw the volcano in Sicily erupt? Take a look at the following from BBC about its eruption and check out the techniques used in this VIDEO.
About Me

- Leslie:
- Delta, British Columbia, Canada
- I took very early retirement from teaching in '06 and did some traveling in Europe and the UK before settling down to do some private tutoring. As a voracious reader, I have many books waiting in line for me to read. Tell me I shouldn't read something, and I will. I'm a happy, optimistic person and I love to travel and through that believe that life can be a continuous learning experience. I'm looking forward to traveling more some day. I enjoy walking, cycling, water aerobics & and sports like tennis, volleyball, and fastpitch/baseball. I'm just getting into photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying learning all the bits and bobs of my digital camera. My family is everything to me and I'm delighted to be the mother of two girls and the Gramma of a boy and a girl. I may be a Gramma, but I'm at heart just a girl who wants to have fun.
As always, you re a VALUABLE asset to Team Nesbitt.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Coincidentally, I just happened to spend a lovely day with both Denise and Jon last week, when they were over here for the TT! I hope your ears were burning, as we were both saying how much we're looking forward to your UK visit - not long now, eh?
What a fascinating post, Leslie - I've never considered shooting a video in manual mode before, but now you've piqued my curiosity, I think I just might give it a go, at that!
Very valuable advice! Thank you Leslie!I enjoyed watching your slide very much!Have a great week.
Wil, ABC Team.
Well now I guess I must try to do some videos on my camera too. Last time I attempted it was in Kenya (3yrs ago).
I really forget my camera is capable of doing that.
Loved your slide show to music Leslie. It was so enjoyable.
Thanks for all you do to make ABC Wednesday successful.
Very good tips about making videos. Carver, ABC-Wed. Team
It is incredible how simple it is these days to use a camera to make a short video. It is surprising how easily it picks up sounds, too, sometimes even unexpected noises. I did try posting one on my blog once but was not able to complete the process at the time. It is something I would like to do in future, though.
Always love these VISITS. You did a great job this week as usual. I look forward to "W". Have a great week.
Dear Leslie,
Some great tips here. I don't think my wife will let me anywhere near her camera though..I have a tendency to ruin anything electronic! LOL
Thanks for sharing.
Voice In The Wind
Thanks for the tips - I'm hopeless at shooting videos!
Excellent information, Leslie. My camera can take videos but I never use that feature! Hmmm. I don't know why that is!
Great advice and your Smilebox held such a wonderful treat, Leslie. Beautiful photos - gorgeous presentation....
Great post today! I would not have known any of this. My DSLR doesn't shoot video. :-( What are you going to do as an encore for the next round?
Don't know why but I rarely use the video function. HOwever I have lost count of the occasions when I've tried to take a photo with the video function on by accident and wondering why nothing is happening, concequently a lot of muttering appears on video.
Very useful tips, I did that mistake of positioning the view before but learned my mistake.
Eye View
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
I've only accidentally used the video on my digital. You gave some great tips I'll have to try♫
I didn't know about the volcano but I will definitely look at it.
Variety of Wild Birds, have a nice day.
Yes.. great tips. I especially appreciated the part about frames, shutter speed and aperture. Thank you!
Great information on videos, I rarely take them. I'll leave that to others who are better photographers than myself. I'm sure with good instruction like yours I could make a go of it.
Thanks for the video tips. I have been using my little point and shoot camera lately to take videos for a project about the cabin. I also had an amazing opportunity to video a bear swimming across the lake. Goes to show, you should always have a camera (with video) handy. - Margy
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