I left to go on a holiday with my friend Cathy in mid-August and was having a lovely time until we reached Liverpool two weeks into our trip. My dear Lorne (hereafter known as DL) had been working in London since mid-May and called to say he was very sick. I told him to get to the hospital, where he was told he had a broken toe that had become infected. The infection had spread throughout his entire body. DL told me to continue with my plans; however, a few days later when we were in North Yorkshire, he called to say he was having surgery in 2 days. So after consulting with Cathy, we decided it was prudent for us to curtail our time in Yorkshire and head to London to check things out.
Long story short, DL ended up with an amputation! Yes, half of his big toe is missing now! I know it does sound minor, but losing a toe, especially your big toe, means it will take ages to heal properly and even then one's balance is off until you learn to adapt.
Cathy left on schedule, but DL and I have had to cancel our pre-booked return flights, fill in a bunch of paperwork for our insurance and get DL's doctor to fill in his part. Then we have to pay for our return flights up front, with DL's seat costing us an arm and a leg (over and above the toe!) because he will have to keep his foot raised. Medical personnel have said he cannot fly 9.5 hours with his foot down.
On top of that, the people DL was working for are trying to cut his contract short, which means less money with more expenditures! And, we miss out on our long-awaited holiday to Wales that we were going to have when his contract was finished at the end of October.
So, whom do I jab?

Oh, I'm so sorry! Poor Lorne has been through a lot of stuff!!! Praying this will heal quickly and he will learn to balance. Sometimes companies are not nice things!
Hope the healing goes as quick as possible. A cuddly puppy in the lap sounds like good medicine. - Margy
Oh Leslie......thinking about you dearest. You have our number - anything we can do whilst over here in UK please call. Dxxxx
Yes, this was a sad tale. But you seem to be coping as well as one could.
Bless you both.
I am so sorry to hear about all of this. Sending out good thoughts for you both.
Ouch...oh my jab, jab..
I'm so glad they were able to stop the infection in his whole body, and was able to keep everything by his toe...Yes toes are so important.
Sending thoughts and prayers.
Thats a terrible set of circumstances, where's the heart in some of these companies? Praying that the walking comes easily and he heals well.
oh my, an amputation of any kind is terrible. he's lucky the infection was stopped before it can do more damage. all the best to you and DL.
Oh Leslie, I am so sorry for you and. Lorne. I do hope that he will soon be able to walk again and that he will feel more comfortable.
Wil, ABC Team.
Oh so sorry. Sometimes it's prudent to hurry off to the doctor at the fist sign of something wrong.
Visit my J here
That's a really sad story! I hope you soon experience Joy!
I am so sorry to read this...bad joss, but you are right in that it could always be worse. A speedy to DL and lots of good joss!!!
Sorry things didn't work out so well and hope DL is healing. But it does give you an excuse for another trip!
OH, my...what a dilemma to get stuck somewhere because of a medical issue. Although I am glad that it was not worse, it doesn't lessen the frustration or expense of the experience.
Oh, dear ... it's quite disappointing when things don't work out according to plan. But there's always a next time. Wishing a speedy recovery on that half toe.
Cheers ... visiting from ABC Wednesday!
Here's mine:
I am so sorry to hear that! It must be awful to have your holiday cut short for something as seemingly minor, which turns out to be major! I think a good jab (in someone's face that is) might be okay in this case!
An awful situation and I must say you are being stoical about the whole thing. But how did DL break his toe?
Oh how awful, not a cheerful J post for ABC Wednesday which I am calling by for, hope he makes a good recovery.
Oh, my goodness...that's quite a tale! I do hope DL is recovering nicely and life is getting back to normal. Hugs to you both...:)
Iam so sorry that you have had such bad luck here in the UK. Do hope DL is well soon and you can get back home again.
Bad Joss for sure! Sounds like you all have really had your hands full. It's so disappointing when plans fall through. I really hope he heals quickly.
That's one new word I learned this week.
Juice in Jars
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
Hope things soon to pick up Leslie xx Thinking of you both xx
So sorry for your bad 'joss', Leslie, - hope it will soon change to 'joy'.
is this why joss sticks are called as such? Joss sticks were the main stay of my father's family income from the bamboo they have. And you teach me the origin of it. Thanks.
Oh, I'm so sorry too! Poor Lorne and poor you! Lots of love to you both. xx
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