I can't believe we're already at the letter S in Round 10 of ABC Wednesday! Continuing with my photography theme, there are a lot of "S" words - like SLR, sharpness, shutter speed, secure digital/SD card, and smart media. However, today I'd like to focus (pardon the pun) on saturation, which I've discovered I love to manipulate.
First of all, saturation is when you bump up the intensity of the colours in your shot by using some sort of computer software. (I use Photoshop Elements 7.0) You have to be very careful not to overdo it because your shot can end up looking unnatural. I've played around with saturation to adjust colour tones and I've also come up with some really "op art" pieces
and some that almost look like impressionistic paintings.
The "op" piece was originally a photo of a steel grey bow thruster and the bridge is at a local park where I visited on a dreary January afternoon.
Here's an example of how a photo would look with original saturation, with half saturation, and with whole saturation.
So there you have a semi-lesson on saturation. Go ahead and try it out, have fun with it and see what you can come up with!
Seriously, sincere thanks to the sensual, seductive, and scintillating DeniSe NeSbitt for her singular efforts at creating this ABC Wednesday Site. She and her smiling, spicy, and spectacular crew saddle up each and every week to samba or sashay over to everyone's posts. We all get extreme satisfaction in sharing our observations with you. Tell us about your homemade soup, learning Spanish or Swedish, skateboarding, your favourite soda, salad or scripture. Also, don't forget to viSit other bloggers and let them know if you enjoyed their S post this week. If you haven't yet participated, just pop over to here and just DO IT!
About Me

- Leslie:
- Delta, British Columbia, Canada
- I took very early retirement from teaching in '06 and did some traveling in Europe and the UK before settling down to do some private tutoring. As a voracious reader, I have many books waiting in line for me to read. Tell me I shouldn't read something, and I will. I'm a happy, optimistic person and I love to travel and through that believe that life can be a continuous learning experience. I'm looking forward to traveling more some day. I enjoy walking, cycling, water aerobics & and sports like tennis, volleyball, and fastpitch/baseball. I'm just getting into photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying learning all the bits and bobs of my digital camera. My family is everything to me and I'm delighted to be the mother of two girls and the Gramma of a boy and a girl. I may be a Gramma, but I'm at heart just a girl who wants to have fun.
ABC Wednesday team
SUPER!!!!! Love that brige. Although, I had trouble seeing the difference between natural and half saturation with that lovely rose.
As always, great post. Have a great week.
Great post. Saturation is fun to play with. I usually only bump it up to make the photograph look like what I saw since sometimes a shot is a lower saturation than reality. Even then, I tend to modify saturation sparingly or not at all. Carver, ABC-Wed. Team
Saturation is great! I often use it for sunsets, and then I get the colour I saw. Whereas my camera never shows the real beautiful deep orange or pink colours.
Good word, Leslie! Have a great week.
Wil,ABC Team.
Oh the bridge scene is scrumptious!!!!Great S word.
I'm not too keen on using saturation, although it can be addicting adding more color but then again the image loses its natural feel. I'm loving your tutorial posts.
I often use a bit of saturation to bump up some rather ordinary shots.
I do like what you did with both of your examples.
Op art is terrific and would really look good enlarged and hung on a gallery wall.
Really love the watercolor look too.
Soon be time for you and me to meet,lovely pics Love Jill xx
I love the feel of the bridge photo - saturation here has given the picture a lovely mystical quality.
Saturation is a great S topic, and you did a Stunning job with the demo Samples.
A lovely demo - especially the one that looks like an impressionistic painting - I like it very much.
Surely a super post! Never thought about how many words begin with "S" in regards to photography!
I love to boost the saturation in many of my photos. Thanks for another great lesson!
Oh, so many S-words. Fantastic play with the saturation.
i also enjoy playing around with saturation. i "discovered" it recently and have been trying it out. great informative post.
Lovely pictures, and such interesting info, since I only point and shoot!
It sounds, and looks, fun to experiment with.
Dear Leslie,
Good "S" word today. The pictures with the flowers are amazing to observe and equally beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
You have reached the sophistication in photography Leslie.
S is for..
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
you enhanced the bridge colors of the green and orange?
I work in the publishing industry preparing publications for print, which means I spend a lot time manipulating photos, and saturation is something I very often have to work on. At such times it's not nearly as much fun as you have with it. Great post!
I play around with the saturation, contrast and sharpness of some of my photos. Our Southern California sun can wash out photos too easily.
That bridge reminds me of a Monet painting! I love having a play around cranking, up the saturation and vibrancy, it can often produce some outstanding results, can't it?
Oh Leslie, I've been thinking a lot of you this week, hon (((consider yourself well and truly huggled))). Keep crossing off the days on that calendar - it won't be too long before you're stepping out in London!
Sometimes Saturation can result in very strange-looking photos! I use it sometimes when I know the photo doesn't do justice to what I just saw.
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