doubt, one of the most
devilish excursions we had while in Wales was to the Skirrid Inn! It is
designated as one of the oldest pubs in Wales
dating back over 900 years. History
deems it that the first floor of the inn was once used as a Court
of Law and over a period of many years, as many as 180
prisoners were
declared guilty of crimes serious enough to
demand the
sentence of
death by hanging, a
decree that was carried out at the inn
itself. Judge Jeffreys is well known as the "Hanging Judge" because of his
desire for harsh sentences to nearly all
After a night's
dreaming of the
delightful Welsh landscapes, we
decided to have a
down-to-earth day taking a
drive through Abergavenny towards the Skirrid Inn.
My friend Jane had
disclosed to Cathy and me that we would
definitely love the
dwelling, so we were really looking forward to it. We
drove through breathtaking landscapes over the softly rounded hills until we were
dizzy and
desperate with
desire to arrive!
My excitement
dissipated at first sight of the Inn because it led me to
deem it
dark, and
dreadful. So I was not that anxious to enter its
depths as I thought it might be
dangerous. It looked as though it might
disintegrate with the entire roof falling
down upon us. I
drifted across the street and had a nice
dialogue with two horses who had some
doubts about the strangers in town
. Finally, I approached the front
door and
dared to step inside.

A life-sized
dummy of Judge Jeffreys greeted us in the foyer before we
directed ourselves into the pub. There we
discovered a homey
dining room with
designs and
displays on the walls
about the history of the inn. As we
drifted around reading the signs in the
dim and
dingy room, my worries began to
dissipate. The inn was not in
disrepair nor was it
disagreeable. The atmosphere was one of wholesome fun and we could hear the
drinkers laughing and chatting as they
devoured their
dishes of fish 'n chips or meat pies.
Dropping my purse on the bar, I began to
dally a bit with the innkeeper Geoff Fiddler who
delights in his Inn's ghostly reputation. I told him my maiden name was "Jones" (
how Welsh can you get?) and that I'd come all the way from western Canada. When he heard that, he asked if we'd like to see the lodgings that were available for holiday rent. As he
dived for the keys, a lady who lived in the
district leapt up to say she wanted to come, too. She told us that the last time she'd climbed the stairs she'd sensed a ghost, so she
desired to try again with others to
drive on
her courage. Oh, oh!

Pushing the swinging door, we entered a
dark and
dull hallway with stairs rising upwards. I
disguised myself as a
daring day tripper and began the ascent. Partway up the first section, I
discontinued my climb as I
detected the noose hanging from the rafters. I shivered in
disgust but
decided to push on. Just as I placed my foot on the middle landing beside the door to the "prisoners' cell," we all heard the most
demonic and
devilish howl! I jumped and screamed with horror but was
drowned out by the screams of everyone else who was on the stairwell. Then came
deafening roars of laughter as the owner of the pub
dismissed our silly fears. Apparently, he
does it to all the gullible tourists!
Determined to continue on, we peered into all three of the rooms. We were surprised to see that the owners had
developed some very nice rooms
done up with ensuites. Each room was
different with two of them having four-poster beds. I
decided right then that I would later return with Lorne to this
domicile so he could have the same experience.
And we
did. Unfortunately, the owner wasn't on the premises that
day, but as soon as we entered the first room we
danced our way into the four-poster and Jane took our photo. Lorne was
dazed when he saw the ensuite and for a moment we
deliberated about taking a holiday there another time. We resumed our tour in the second room, but as soon as we stepped inside, all three of us felt a cold, creepy sensation! Out we went, and
descended the stairway, exiting via the closest
door and ran for the hills!
Haunted? Possessed by
demons and
devils? Who know? But we were very
discomfited and
disturbed by the experience! I
don't think we'll be going back to stay any time soon. I
defer to any other brave soul to
dare to
dwell there overnight.
Great thanks to our
darling and
dynamic Mrs. Nesbitt, the creator of
ABC Wednesday, and to the
dapper and
debonair Roger, our current administrator. Also, thanks to the team who are
dedicated to visiting all the
dazzling, and
deliciously devoted contributors to ABCW. And now, on with my weekly slideshow! Be sure to turn up your sound so you can be
delightfully diverted.
a hell of a good time, I'd say!
ROG, ABC Wednesday
I've studied many such cases. A fascinating subject.
Sounds like fun but scary. You got so many D words into this post. I'm impressed.
that was fun!:p i'd love to stay overnight! perfect for a Halloween vacation.
So many cool D`s. I like the picture up to the top green very much!:-)
Delightfully scary Leslie.
what a devilish post. i enjoyed it immensely.
Chills running up and down my spine...but loving every minute of the slide show. The music was so purrrrrfect~~~ Great post of D's.
I see you have been toying with the demon drink:-) Better to have one before the stroll up Skyrrid Fawr. I think I recognise the path and shape from when I stayed nearby,
Leslie, - you are very clever with the Smilebox. And the great number of Ds - congratulations on a devilishly entertaining post.
I don't like devils, real or pretend.
OMG nooses! Scary surely but I might try exploring the place for fun. Screaming sometimes and then laughing afterward is good lung exercise. I remember the four-poster beds in the charming inns there.
O my goodness what an adventure! I guess the real fun starts when you tell the tale later! At the time it must have been a bit "disconcerting"!
Thank you for this delightful devilish dramatic story! It is so well written and full of a great sense of humour. Of course I had heard of this judge Jeffries and how cruel he was.
Thanks for your visit. There are snakes in Tassie, but they are very shy. I have only seen one.i hope that your week will be delightful as well!
Wil, ABCW Team.
Delightful tale. I particularly enjoyed it, as well as your video, because I'm heading to Wales this year. Seeing the beautiful landscape in your photos is making me really look forward to seeing it in person.
Would scared me to death.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
I am downright scared now! Great use of D.
what a Delightful post! I had fun reading it. I'd ran for the hills as well as if I felt that creepy sensation!
The Welsh and the Scots seem to have that sense of humor in common. Your adventures remind me of some I had with my cousin in Scotland. Can't say I'm a fan of the creepy but I'm glad that you had a delightful time!
what a dazzling bunch of 'd' words!
Demons are so sly and sneaky, what out for them, truly!
I'd be running for the hills too!!!I've been in places where I have felt the same thing and it's not a place I want to be. I can't imagine anyone spending the night there.
Loved your "D" tale ! What an interesting place to discover and visit>
Your travels are never dull. - Margy
Wow, that's a lot of demons and devils and a bunch more Ds as well. Delightful!!
Sounds devilishly delightful!
Great story. I enjoyed that are dedicated and un-daunted by the use of D words, but where's that photo of the 4 of you dancing?
That post was just DARN good! Heh!! You certainly have an amazing ability to use a lot of words that start with "D" -- I never could have come close!
Always fun to read your posts and this was most interesting!
You were not daunted by those "d" s! Darned delicious piece of history!
you are a dervish of deadly D'sss
hah xxx
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