About Me

My photo
Delta, British Columbia, Canada
I took very early retirement from teaching in '06 and did some traveling in Europe and the UK before settling down to do some private tutoring. As a voracious reader, I have many books waiting in line for me to read. Tell me I shouldn't read something, and I will. I'm a happy, optimistic person and I love to travel and through that believe that life can be a continuous learning experience. I'm looking forward to traveling more some day. I enjoy walking, cycling, water aerobics & and sports like tennis, volleyball, and fastpitch/baseball. I'm just getting into photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying learning all the bits and bobs of my digital camera. My family is everything to me and I'm delighted to be the mother of two girls and the Gramma of a boy and a girl. I may be a Gramma, but I'm at heart just a girl who wants to have fun.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

G is for GUSHY and GIDDY

If you haven't seen my "Introduction" this week over on the ABC Wednesday site, the great news for me is that we have a new yellow Labrador Retriever puppy.  We brought her home on February 3, and both of us are exhausted!  Actually, she is pretty good at sleeping through the night (although our nights used to be longer) and tapping the door to go outside for her constitutionals.  She eats well and plays hard.  Then she naps hard, too!  She is our little darling, named Tegan (aka Rhossili Breeze) and after only 3 weeks, she answers to her name and brings us her ball - that is, if she wants to.  lol  We're like new parents who are giddy with excitement over the new arrival, gushing with glee at every little antic and kiss, yet gnashing our teeth over her needle-sharp baby teeth.  Every morning between 7 and 7:30, she wakes one of us up with a sharp yip-yap and we stumble down the stairs to let her out of her crate for her morning "run."  Then I make myself a coffee and let her gambol all over me until I bleed from her greedy little love bites.  Finally, it's "settle time" and she gets her breakfast while I have my own little "run." Unless she's busy doing something, or with Lorne, I can't even go to the toilet in peace!  Just like a real toddler!  I'm sure I'll be putting photos of her on ABCW frequently and here's the first slideshow all about our glamorous little goober!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Gargantuan thanks to the glamorous Mrs. Nesbitt, the founder and creator of ABC Wednesday, and to the gallant Roger, our administrator.  Also thanks to all the guys and gals who visit contributors each week to give great praise to everyone else.  If you'd like to join the team, just give old Roger a holler!


GaynorB said...

Hi Leslie,
Tegan looks abslutely gorgeous. We used to have a Golden Labrador. he had the most wonderful nature and was a joy to be with. For the long summer holidays he would go to my parents in Wales. After a few years it was decided that they were in a better position to look after him full time as they were retired. We missed him so much...

jill said...

Hi Leslie,Tegan is lovely she looks like she is going to be a big doggie.Billy loved the photos you sent him,they have a black lab as well as the jack russel Billy was telling you about.Have fun with Tegan.Love Jill and Billy xxxx

Roger Owen Green said...

"old Roger"? Who told?
This blog is going to the dog!

Reader Wil said...

What a beautiful and sweet little doggie! It is so innocent and playful! Thanks for sharing him !

anthonynorth said...

Sounds like fun in the household at the moment.

Indrani said...

She looks great and gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

my husband wants one of those, but our schedules are pretty tight that we couldn't get one for him right now. he has to be content with the two kitties for now.


Carver said...

She is gorgeous! Great one for G this week.

photowannabe said...

Tegan is so sweet and I love every one of the shots.
Happy "parenting".

Unknown said...

I so like your puppy!...but how do you expect a Labrador not to be big?(smile)
Thanks for visiting me every week!

Hildred said...

Oh Leslie, it's you that has the sweet new puppy. I will be back to watch your video after lunch looks to be a real darlilng.

Ann said...

What an adorable little goober of yours. It's really like having a baby up at night!! Such a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Leslie ~ so adorable and fantastic slide show ~ know just how you feel ~ furpersons are such treasures ~ enjoy ~ Great post for ABC ~ ^_^

Nonnie said...

good for you! Our family had a black lab when we lived in the country. She imagined herself a LAP dog. Thankfully, she was that only to my husband. I put up my hand indicating 'stop'. I was pleased when she got the idea and climbed onto only his lap. Labs are wonderful companions.

agnetha said...

Vilken sötnos. Jag har haft fyra stycken hundar genom åren. Men nu är jag hundlös och kommer så säkert att förbli. Brukar låna bonusdotterns hund då hon behöver hundvakt.

Hazel said...

"I'm trying to stifle a yawn here' awww so cute!

Tegan: ABC Wednesday's new darling.

AmitAag said...

Great and Gorgeous!

Chrissy Brand said...

A great gushing, arrrhhh!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

You've just inspired me with all of you "G"'s . New puppies bring such joy to a house and yours is adorable.

Kate said...

I for one cannot imagine living without a dog as a loving and GOOD GUARDIAN of my soul and affection. Puppies are a lot of work, but so much fun to have around! Kate, ABC Team

Chubskulit Rose said...

How cute! I always want a lab or a retriever!

Gums and Gummies
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team.

Beverley Baird said...

Loved the photos (andf captions!) of your new puppy! A very sweet fellow!

Russell said...

Congratulations on the new addition! Looks most adorable!

I look forward to seeing some posts now outlining the adventures of this great pup!

Ingrid said...

What an adorable doggy ! The slideshow is wonderful ! no wonder that your heart melt !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I used to get giddy a lot, and couldn't enjoy the Merry go round.

Anonymous said...

i love your babby

my g post for this week:
gripping girdle limerick

Powell River Books said...

What a sweet pup. Our friend John has a black lab. Bro is getting pretty old and doesn't move around as fast as he used to. It is showing in his waistline. - Margy

Meryl said...

Oh I don't blame you for gushing. She's delicious!!!! I look forward to reading/seeing all her wonderful antics as she explores her growing world.

Lisa said...

Your the one with the puppy!:) What a great picture that was. She is adorable! I love her. . .makes me want one.

Liz Hinds said...

She is so delicious!