2. Toque - Canadians wear toques for half the year (well, not in my little corner of Lotusland). They're knitted caps. By the way, it's pronounced "tooook."
3. Freezies - These are popsicles that come in a plastic sleeve. Kids everywhere in Canada beg for freezies all summer long. Moms buy them in cases and store them in their garage freezers.

5. Parkade - In the United States, these are called parking garages or parking decks. They are multi-storied areas in downtown - where you park your car so you can shop at the adjoining mall.
6. Pencil Crayons - Americans call these "coloured pencils" and the British call the "colouring pencils." It's possible the term came from the French "crayon de couleur."

7. Robertson screwdriver - This screwdriver was invented by P.L. Robertson (from Ontario) and is superior to its Phillips-head cousins. Only 16% of Commonwealth people and 5% of Americans recognized the name.
8. Hooped - 54% of Canadians use this term to mean "broken" or "useless" as in if your car's engine is seized, the car's hooped. This is purely a western Canadian expression.
With that, you start out the New Year with a bit more trivia to add to your repertoire. Hope everyone has a wonderful 2014.
Thanks to Denise, Roger and the entire team at ABC Wednesday for their hard work and support.
I knew toque from the McKenzie brothers singing the 12 Days of Christmas.
I knew toque from the McKenzie brothers singing the 12 Days of Christmas.
My SIL's partner will love this - him being a Canadian now here in UK. xxxx
Happy New Year Leslie xxxx
Oh what fun!
And wishing you 2014 bring continued good health, peace, joy and all you might wish for.
Delightful words I had never heard before.
Isn't it strange how we tangle the same words into different meanings?
Here's wishing you a wonderful, peaceful and healthier new year.
I knew 'toque', but I would have pronounced it with a long 'o' as in "go." mea culpa! or "my bad" as the youngsters say. If only I could remember all you shared...
I love the differences in the English language which depends on where one lives.
Back in the olden days of my undergraduate studies, I had a linguistics class. Our teacher would have us to define words in order to tell us where we grew up. ie. I was born in southern Indiana, but raised in central Indiana. And he was spot on for me!
I knew some of these but others were new to me. Happy New Year!
I need to brush up on my Canadian, eh. Happy New Year from An Arkie's Musings
very educational post. i know of toque only.
happy new year.
A lot of new terms for me :)
Wish you and yours a brilliant 2014!!
Very interesting, and glad to get the correct pronunciation for Toque. We get Pablum from our politicians, too!
Happy New Year!
Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Interesting educational post.Have a Happy Year with your familie and yours 2 small children all 2014.
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❊ /______/~\ ( ♥ ) ❊ Happy first Day ❊
|田 田 |門| ( ♥ ) New Year 2014❊
I love the word hooped, maybe I'll try and use it!!
Fun post to start the new year! A Parkade sounds loads more fun than a parking garage!
I like the word freezies, a perfect description. I always love learning new words like these. You are right about the coloured pencils use in the UK but to confuse we do use the word crayon, but only for the waxy type.
Happy New Year.
Hi Leslie, wishing you from sweltering Oz a happy new year, and hopefully a better year in respect to your health situations.
Interesting post! Learned quite some new stuffs here. Happy New year!
Happy New Year!! interesting post and lots of new things :)
Y is for...
Ohh Lots of new things for me, interesting to read :)
Thank you for the lesson! HNY, Leslie. xx
I knew only the screwdriver.
Happy New Tear!
I always feel enlightened after reading through the various ABC Wednesday blogs. /:-) Happy New Year!
no toook here, we wear a beanie. Must be so cold how.
Loved the lesson Leslie, think more of these would be fun :-)
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