About Me

My photo
Delta, British Columbia, Canada
I took very early retirement from teaching in '06 and did some traveling in Europe and the UK before settling down to do some private tutoring. As a voracious reader, I have many books waiting in line for me to read. Tell me I shouldn't read something, and I will. I'm a happy, optimistic person and I love to travel and through that believe that life can be a continuous learning experience. I'm looking forward to traveling more some day. I enjoy walking, cycling, water aerobics & and sports like tennis, volleyball, and fastpitch/baseball. I'm just getting into photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying learning all the bits and bobs of my digital camera. My family is everything to me and I'm delighted to be the mother of two girls and the Gramma of a boy and a girl. I may be a Gramma, but I'm at heart just a girl who wants to have fun.

Monday, December 02, 2013


Looking back at my posts from the last month, I find I've gone from "I Quit" to "Rough Ride" to "Smile."  Well, today, I am feeling UNDAUNTED!  Both Lorne and I are trying very hard to be resolutely courageous about our situation and continue to uplift each other.
Even though we each become a bit uncommunicative at times while we ponder what we're going through, we always come back together again.  He was a bit unapproachable this past weekend after receiving news that his former mother-in-law had passed away.  He was not close to her, but he was and continues to be close to his former brother-in-law; therefore, he is feeling his pain right now and reminiscing about the death of his own mother.  Today, he has to go for blood tests and psyche himself up for his next chemo (tomorrow) when his oncologist will only give him one of the three drugs he has been on. Fingers crossed the side effects will not undermine his health.

This past week, I managed to get the tree up and decorated.  Our Princess Tegan was very curious about all the boxes we pulled out and the strange thing now standing in the corner.  But she had been uncannily good about not poking about and stealing anything.  I've invited my single sister to come for Xmas Day with the two of us and she is delighted to be invited.  If Lorne needs to rest in the afternoon, we'll be able to have a nice time together - take Tegan for a little walk or even go to a matinee.  It will be a nice quiet, unexcitable day - just what we need this year.

Here are a few fun photos:  on the left is Lorne's oldest glass Xmas tree ball and on the right is mine.

This is an ornament my sister gave me one year, just for fun!

Below, Tegan dragged her blankie all the way up the stairs and...
promptly fell asleep with it in her mouth.
Unbridled thanks to Denise Nesbitt, the creator of ABCW and to the unimpeachable Roger, our administrator.  Also, remember to thank the united forces of the ABCW team for their continued unrelenting energy for visiting all the contributors and taking a turn at the weekly introduction on our home page. 

As this round draws to a conclusion, please consider emailing Roger to offer your unrestrained excitement at becoming part of the team!  All that is required is that you visit 10 contributors to comment on their post and if you wish, sign up to do one introduction.  Easy Peasy!


Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE your avatar this week.
Hey, world, Leslie is an UPRIGHT person, doing all sorts of work for the ABC WEDNESDAY family, so cut her some slack, OK?

photowannabe said...

I'm glad things are on a slight upswing.
It sounds like an uneventful Christmas will be just what the doctor orders.
Praying for Lorne and his next Chemo cocktail.

Carver said...

Very uplifting post. Wishing you and your family all the best.

Reader Wil said...

I wish you and Lorne a very quite and peaceful month of December. My thoughts are with you!
Wil, ABCW Team.

Anonymous said...

tegan is so cute with the blankie on her mouth.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

It's funny how Christmas ornaments can hold so many treasured memories. My family and I set up our tree this weekend, and went through the same thing. Blessings! (PS - I love the fierceness in your avatar this week!)

Anonymous said...

You are ahead of me - we still need to buy the tree! Thanks for visiting me earlier:)

Anonymous said...

You are ahead of me - we still need to buy the tree! Thanks for visiting me earlier:)

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos! I like that dog!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Tegan seems to have the right attitidude

Anonymous said...

Tegan is such a charmer with the blanket! Hope the Holiday season is a good one for you both, you have a great Unstoppable attitude!

Hazel said...

Your tree is up! I'm jealous. I've been thinking of mine too but I need to sort out this and that of international travel before I could savor the pleasure. What a cute fun ornament from your sister! Love to Her Royal Highness Princess Tegan.


Indrani said...

Very positive!
Wishing you the very best!
I liked the pic of Tegan tugging at the blanket.

Obsessivemom said...

Awww I love Tegan though I'm not a pet person. Glad your posts are getting happier. Keep the spirit.

Ingrid said...

I learned a new word, and Tegan is a real cutie !
ABC Wednesday

Joy said...

The baubles are my favourite bit of the Christmas tree, there is always a memory or two attached to them. Love the Tegan adventure up the stairs.

betty-NZ said...

I love your old ornaments! The holiday season gives us many reasons to smile. It's not easy but keeping your chin up is the best thing you can do. I don't know what your situation is, but I will keep you in my prayers.

Martha said...

Undaunted, now there is a great word for the letter U.
I like it.

Anonymous said...

Tegan is my kind of dog.

Sorry about your husband's loss. I know how it is - my former husband's dad, with whom I am still close, is teetering on the edge at 94. You simply can't prepare yourself for it, and my heart goes out to your hub.

Meantime, let's pray for good outcomes with his chemo. That's a lot to be going through at once, and having a wife who is a ROCK is the best medicine. Amy

Lady In Read said...

Leslie, wishing you and your family a Christmas just like you wish.. and need to get our tree soon..

Suzy said...

Cute pictures of Tegan and nice ornaments. Love your word for the prompt.

Dropping by from the prompt

Suzy-Someday Somewhere

Black Jack's Carol said...

This is a particularly wonderful post, Leslie! I love those gorgeous Christmas balls, adored the pictures of Tegan, and most of all, delighted in the fact that you and Lorne are undaunted. I know it is an up and down journey, and in the dips, it often feels we won't bounce back again, but the two of you are travelling the road with courage and finding smiles along the way to share with your many admiring fans.