I never got on a horse again after that, but one summer my daughters insisted they wanted to go horseback riding. I did not want to go and even watch, such was my fear! So husband took them. Later that afternoon, I got a call from him telling me they were at the local hospital and the younger daughter was being taken to Vancouver Children's Hospital! My God, it's a wonder I didn't get stopped doing 80 in a 50 zone! Long story short, she had been thrown from the horse as it galloped back to the stables and then suddenly halted. Her arm was broken right at the top of the humorus bone where it attaches to the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder. Surgeons attached it with pins and then she had to spend the entire summer lying on her back in traction. The poor thing was centimeters away from being either killed or ending up a quadraplegic!
Suffice it to say I don't have much to do with the horse now. Except that when I was in Wales visiting one of my best friends (Jane) she informed me that she was getting a new filly and when Lorne and I came back later in the summer, she'd be there. Hmmmm....how was I going to cope with this? As it turned out, very well. Of course, I was extremely cautious around her because, at only 3 years of age, she was still being trained. But after visiting her for several days and, heeding how Jane handled her, I was brave enough to pat her nose, lead her along the path in a forest where King Henry VIII used to hunt for deer, and down the lane back to home. Jane is training her to be a Grand Champion race horse!
I also took many photos of the horses along Mrs. Nesbitt's lane when we visited her one day. I must admit they are handsome creatures, but I still don't think I will ever ride one again. I also enjoy taking photos of the horses I find near my home - there are quite a few horse farms that offer riding lessons around here and a bit farther out, the township of Langley is considered to be the "Horse Capital of B.C." because there are over 5,000 horses in the area. Jane actually went riding out there when she visited in 2008.
Enjoy the slideshow and remember to turn up the music for a bit of country ambiance. Also huge thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and Roger for their heroic efforts to keep ABC Wednesday at popularity heights! You know, we're getting over a hundred posts each week now! It keeps those of us on the team hopping! By the way, have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Roger, on Thursday!
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Thanks for the well wishes.
Handsome horses, BTW.
Lovely slideshow.
OMG, Leslie, I can well understand your reluctance around horses, all things considered. I have to confess, much as I admire them from afar, I am very wary around them, too. That said, Sweet Sam used to be a member of "Horseriding for the Disabled" - I had my own parking permit to park in the back of Buckingham Palace, no less (it was taught in the Royal stables). He was even offered a place to train for the Special Olymics, but the minute he felt the pressure to perform, he stopped enjoying it and decided to quit. When all four kids were young, they had regular horse riding lessons, but none of them really cared too much about it, and it eventually fizzled out.
A scare like that would put many off. Enjoyed the post.
I had horses as a young girl from junior high to college. Then later in life my husband bought me a surprise horse for Christmas one year shortly after we were married. That was always my dream when I was very little, to wake up to find a horse tied outside (despite living in the middle of the large suburbs of Los Angeles). I was thrown a few times, but fortunately never broke anything. I still love horses and riding, but they don't fit into my float cabin lifestyle very well. - Margy
Nice slideshow, Leslie, and friendly horses, - I would like to have been more acquainted with horses, but never seemed to find the time when the children had them on the farm.
Great post. I'm sorry you had bad experiences with horses. I've always loved horses and took riding lessons and went to horse back riding camps all through childhood. My problem was every Christmas I was disappointed because all I ever wanted was a horse. The biggest expense would have been to board it since we lived in town. Eventually I understood that unless you live somewhere that you can keep a horse in your own barn it's too expensive for most people to pay to board it out.
Wow! Braveheart with beautiful photography of gorgeous horses ~ What a delightful post ^_^
I was opposite of you. Twice. the horses won't move. My husband has the cheek to say I was too heavy for the horses.
You are very brave! Good on you! These horses are very beautiful. When I was young we once had to travel on horseback in the mountains, because there were no other means of transport. It was scary because the road was very narrow and steep.
Have a great day, Leslie.
Wil, ABCW Team.
I'm so glad your daughter is okay (but what an ordeal for you all!). I think it's terrific that you are being able to become more comfortable around horses through the help of good friends.
I missed telling you last week that your puppy is adorable. I'm trying not to be envious- and failing utterly. :)
I was always afraid of horses and never sat on one ! It was horrible for me to drive my son to horse riding lessons ! Now this fear is gone completely, I don't even know why, but I am not afraid of horses anymore I can even pet them !
I wouldn't dare to ride one, but I love to watch and photograph from far. Happy WW!
Oh my gosh, what a handsome creature! You are brave indeed, I haven't been on one since childhood. Lovely H for the day:)
So beautiful! I was a horse girl, but that was many years ago..:-)
Lovely horses. I remember riding a horse at a birthday party (when about 7), it nibbled the horse in fronts tale on which sat my friend, her horse set off at a gallop unfortunately she couldn't hang on and ended up, like your daughter, with a broken arm.
Great piece for H.(I'm happy to guide you around Manchester if you ever come across the pond Leslie!)
My daughter has taught me to love horses too, at least from a distance. :)
I'm the same way Leslie. I admire them from afar.
I never had a really bad experience but when I was about 12 or 13, my girlfriend and I went on a trail ride with a group of people. My horse did not want to do what the other horses did and would constantly stop or wander so close to the edge of the trail that I thought I would never get back alive. I think most of it was in my mind but I never got on the back of a horse again.
What a phone call to get from your husband! Looking forward to more posts about the puppy!
Another nice slideshow, Leslie. I especially like the pic of the white horse peeking out from the hut -- how sweet. I almost posted a horse pic. I'm so glad I didn't. Your slideshow coupled with your story were far superior.
What great shots of horses! I also saw your sweet, sleepy puppy. So precious!
Great slideshow! The horse is perfect for this week.
Since marrying into my husband's family,. I have had to learn to love horse racing (thoroughbreds). They are all good handicappers. Infact his father and grandfather raced horses for many years.
what a great slide show! I loved it! I just love horses.
Wow, so many not so happy experiences with horses!!!
I'm glad to hear ABCWednesday is growing, happy to be here :)
Goodness ... you had quite an adventure on the horse when you were a child!
And your daughter did, too! Yes, she is lucky.
My daughter had horses on our acreage for several years and, to be honest, I was always scared to death something awful would happen.
Somehow she made it through without any serious problems. However, I was NOT so lucky as I had a horse take off down a road at a full gallop one afternoon and that was a most terrifying experience (I was on the horse not her)!!
I am most happy to look at horses but not ride them!!
Goodness ... you had quite an adventure on the horse when you were a child!
And your daughter did, too! Yes, she is lucky.
My daughter had horses on our acreage for several years and, to be honest, I was always scared to death something awful would happen.
Somehow she made it through without any serious problems. However, I was NOT so lucky as I had a horse take off down a road at a full gallop one afternoon and that was a most terrifying experience (I was on the horse not her)!!
I am most happy to look at horses but not ride them!!
Honestly I can see why you don't care for horses! Thanks so much for stopping by my place- you are a most wonderful Hostess.
You're a natual rider then for having to hang in there even the horse got startled.
Haghpat Monastery, Armenia
Catching up with letter H entries.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
Thanks so much for visiting Leslie! I also wouldn't dream of riding a horse. I have slip disc and one fall could leave me paralyzed for life. Great that you and the horses are on 'good terms' now. :)
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