We're back at it again with ABC Wednesday's letter of the week - R. First I must thank all of you who commented on last week's post and gave me such rounding support with this rough ride we're on right now. To update you, Lorne spent a total 6 days in the ER at our local hospital and he was very anxious to get home. What with cuts to nursing staff and increased working hours, the staff is run off their feet. I had to be patient with them, although I was a bit peeved at times. For example, his commode and urine bottle were both full and had not been removed for hours when I arrived one day. However, he did progress enough finally to be able to come home. But it was only after I phoned his oncologist and had him take over his care, even if it was by phone.
We're not sure how the oncologist will continue with treatment because Lorne had such extreme side effects from his chemo. Even now two weeks after his last treatment, his poor mouth is covered in bleeding sores to the point where he has to drink through a straw. He can't chew anything so I'll be cooking him mushy food in order that he gets enough nutrients. Yes, cancer is a terribly rough ride through life. It a roller coaster as we resign ourselves to the pits of illness and injury before being able to reap the rewards of recovery.
Our lives were complicated enough when I fell and broke my ankle in two places. I now don't have to wear the boot I dubbed "Frank" (after Frankenstein) but my foot is still quite swollen and sore. I'll be going to physiotherapy and it'll be a month or so before I'll truly be back to normal. In the meantime, my daughter has been a rock and a godsend helping us out. She comes every day to take the dog for a good long walk, does grocery shopping, and cleans the floors and carpets.
Thanks again for all your resolute responses to my last post. We both rejoiced when, on the same day, I got the good news that my ankle is healed and and I can toss Frank, and Lorne was allowed to come home from the hospital. He got to see our new Lazy Boys chairs that had arrived that week and he settled nicely in his. My daughter took our picture before she left and then, after Lorne had a shower and a shave, he looked positively radiant while resting in his new chair, loving pup Tegan at his feet.
Let's not forget ravishing Denise, the creator of ABCW, and good old reliable Roger, our administrator. For more posts on the letter R, just click here.
About Me

- Leslie:
- Delta, British Columbia, Canada
- I took very early retirement from teaching in '06 and did some traveling in Europe and the UK before settling down to do some private tutoring. As a voracious reader, I have many books waiting in line for me to read. Tell me I shouldn't read something, and I will. I'm a happy, optimistic person and I love to travel and through that believe that life can be a continuous learning experience. I'm looking forward to traveling more some day. I enjoy walking, cycling, water aerobics & and sports like tennis, volleyball, and fastpitch/baseball. I'm just getting into photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying learning all the bits and bobs of my digital camera. My family is everything to me and I'm delighted to be the mother of two girls and the Gramma of a boy and a girl. I may be a Gramma, but I'm at heart just a girl who wants to have fun.
Those chairs do look comfy!
So sorry to hear of the rough time you're going through. I'm sorry I didn't read your last post earlier: my life has been hectic but in a good busy way, quite unlike the horror you've been going through.
Well done to Lorne for persevering and to you for your recovery. I'm sure your determination played a part in it.
So dreadful that the drugs have to be so strong that they wipe the patient out but it will be worth it - as I'm sure you keep reminding yourselves.
Lots of love to you both. xxx
Dear Leslie , So sorry that you and Lorne have been going through such a rough ride ,, it can only be onwards and upwards now , I certainly hope so. I know how you have had to be strong for both of you , and bless you , you have been through it before , we are still praying that all goes well for Lorne, bless him , those darn drugs :-( take care love Anne xox
I like the purple shoes! Fun!
You both look really good. I know you are both dealing with health issues but you still look good and make a nice couple. I will keep you in my prayers (and I don't say that too often ... but I will).
You asked how I liked the movie All is Lost with Robert Redford. It is a very excellent movie - no question.
To be very honest, I found it a bit boring simply because there is no dialogue and it is very realistic-- a man is adrift at sea for 8 days and dealing with all the problems of associated with such an ordeal.
Redford is the only person in the movie and he does an excellent job of acting. I hope he wins Best Actor for his work as it is very good.
I gave the movie a 3 on my rising scale of 5 stars simply because I felt it was a bit draggy. The critics who know what they are talking about (unlike me!) are raving about the movie.
I suggest seeing it but keep in mind it is not an action type movie.
Again, I am thinking of you and Lorne. Take care.
You certainly have both had a rough ride and I hope things get better from now on. That's a lovely pic of you both with Tegan.
A lovely photo of the pair of you Leslie - taken by your daughter so lovely and relaxed. Take care my dear. Dxxx
The one positive about long, bumpy, rough rides is the way you can appreciate the calm, smooth phase afterwards. Just love each other.
Leslie, always remember you have so many people pulling for you.
It really has been a bumpy road but your love for each other can be the glue that will hold things together.
Love the recliners and Tegan's peaceful look now that his "parents" have settled in.
Leslie - despite it all, you ROCK!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Great that Lorne is home again. You look both radiant! You are so brave and not ready to give up!
Wil, ABCW Team.
Glad that things are looking up a little for you, Leslie, - hang in there - it must be great to have Lorne home and I do wish you both the best....
always nice to see personal photos here. also glad of the good news.
So glad Lorne is home. You both look good. I don't know what I would do without my recliner. I guess there is some progress since last week: Lorne is home and your cast is finally gone. Blessings on your daughter for her help! Thoughts and prayers still going out to you.
You both look very comfortable in the new chairs. Glad that your ankle is progressing and that at least Lorne is home.
You both look good. My best wishes for your continuing health and happiness.
ROUGH RIDE indeed! I hope there will soon be a leveling off for Lorne. Good to hear you're on the mend. What a blessing your daughter is, as you well know.
I am glad things are better. Cheers for your ankle. Love those chairs and those bright purple shoes... keep up your spirits.
I love those chairs, so cozy! Glad things are rebounding for you guys. - Margy
Glad there is recuperation, relaxation and renewal happening your way.
Awwww.. wonderful! Love your smiles. What a lovely family photo! Yay to the daughter. And Tegan has grown so big!
P.S. My family in the Philippines is fine, Leslie. Thanks.
Great to note that you are moving well towards a speedy recovery! Godspeed!
Best wishes to both of you!!
It's good to see those smiling faces!
glad you resigned yourself to the roller coaster of Cancer and not quit. (last week's theme.)
Beautiful portraits. The road is hard but always has its pleasant side!
You must be relieved and reassured things are turning into the right direction. Kudos to you both, brave people!
He must be very happy to be home by now, that also helps to heal more quickly !
So nice to have a new easy chair to relax in while getting BETTER!!!!This rough ride will someday be over and all will remain is joy in Lorne's healing. I'm still praying for him and will continue to do so.
I'm sorry about the rough times but glad you had some better news. Love the shot of you two.
cheer up :) things will be fine. nice photo of both of u
Healing thoughts for each of you, I'm sure restoration is right around the corner. Lovely photos:)
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