Okay, my prediction is that either Jane or Marie will go tonight. What do you think?

Marie Osmond gave everyone quite a scare this week when she fainted as she awaited the judges' comments. However, all is well, and she has really surprised me. For her age and the fact that she is still not quite down to her ideal weight (although she has lost weight over the past weeks and is looking good) she can move! This week's performance was a bit weak but I understand that she's been a bit under the weather.
Melanie Brown, former Spice Girl (aka Scary Spice), has rhythm and has shown an ability to be sensuous and graceful as well as ... well, spicy.
Sabrina Bryan of the Cheetah Girls (whom I'd never heard of before) has to be the best of the bunch. She has so much energy and seems to be able to master both the footwork and the passion needed for the variety of dances.
Helio Castroneves, a two-time Indy 500 champion, is excellent, although his feet are sometimes "off." He has great potential, though, to make it to the end. He has amazing focus and he is luckily partnered with Julianne Hough, a young but talented dancer who danced with last year's winner, Apolo Anton.
Jennie Garth has come a long way since her days on Beverly Hills 90210. She was a bit hesitant at the beginning, but she seems to have gained a lot of confidence over the last few weeks and has come on strong.
Cameron Mathison, a soap star, has also come on strong in the last couple of weeks and could be a contender for the trophy (or whatever they win). He's also nice to look at, for those of you who care.
Jane Seymour is all class and elegance. Her childhood ballet training shows in the way she uses her hands and head. Even in the sexy Latin dances, the judges comment on how she is still a very classy lady full of sex appeal.
So these are the ones left. I have a feeling Marie might go next week, but it will all depend on how the others do, too. Melanie was in the bottom two last week but was saved when Floyd (a boxer) was eliminated. Frankly, I don't know how he made it as far as he did, all hunched over in a boxer's stance all the time. At this point in time, my feeling is that Sabrina will win this year, but the others all still have a good chance. This year the dancing has been the best it's ever been right from the beginning.
If you haven't taken a look at this show, I highly recommend it. (I don't bother watching the results show until the bitter end to find out who gets eliminated because CBC is showing The Tudors at the same time. It's a 9 or 10-part series about a young Henry VIII and is excellence bar none. I'd never miss it.)
Wayne Newton and Marie Osmond.
I frankly expected Wayne to faint, lying there with his gown over his shorts--but then you have to know me and my warped sense of humour.
Marie is really fun and we freaked out when she went down. We have a dvr and kept playing it back. I think she's good for another week or two. Wayne Newton was terrible and his frozen botoxed face was really creeping me out. I kept voting for Mark Cuban because he's a "neighbor" and he's funky and weird. I was surprised at Cameron because he's pretty stiff on my soap. Yes, I watch the soap he is on, and quite frankly, I'm not a big fan of his character. What I love about Sabrina is that she so does not have a dancer's body and yet she sure can dance with it. Jane is just lovely. Mel B, I'm not crazy about, but I don't want to lose Maksim. Helio is fun and we don't want to lose Julianne! The one I really don't want to see go is Jennie Garth, but only because she seems like someone that just can NOT take disappointment very well. When she is voted off, and she will be, it will NOT be pretty. Okay this was very long, but Leslie, you started it!
Hi Leslie,
I have been catching some of dancing this year. I like Marie and Mel B. Also Jane. Last year Joey and Apollo were awesome.
Who will win? I am just enjoying the dancing. It makes me want to learn how to dance like that. But I doubt my dancing partner would look that hot.
Have an awesome day,
I'd love to be able to dance like that, too, but I don't know if my back would hold out. Although, apparently Jane Seymour has a bad back. Like all of you, I'm really enjoying the dancing this year.
I only watch ocassionally, but I really like it when the dancing is great! I always wanted to dance, but alas never got around to taking lessons.
Hi nancy, welcome to my blog. I popped over and took a peek at your blog and I'll be over again. Blessings from Canada. :D
Hi Leslie,
I love this show too! That was scary when Marie fell. You seldom see something like that unless it's live TV..
I agree, she'll probably be voted off next week, but she does have tons of fans.
I think Sabrina is truly the best of the bunch as you say. I'm thinking she'll be our winner!
Most men don't like "Dancing with Stars" -- except maybe Ivan.
Without Wayne, I'm willing to bet even Ivan has given up on the show.
Hey JR, too bad men don't tune in 'cuz I'm sure they'd appreciate the bodies on those professional women dancers!
Super Bjog, I really enjpyed reading it.
I watch this every week and I think this year is the best .
Welcome dd2! Thanks for your comment. I popped over to see yours and liked your post about Hillary...must read more of your posts to find out if you're anit-Hillary or anti-Democrats. I'll go back later and you're always welcome here.
I'll have to wait about a year to see this over here - and I would love to see "The Tudors". I'll survive with your excellent descriptions for now, Leslie.
Welshcakes I know what it's like to have to wait to see something. It's like that here with Coronation Street. I got into it last year when I was over staying with friends, but then when I got home realized we're over a year behind! So not much point in watching until I know they're up to England's "last year" part. You'll have to watch for the Tudors, though, because it's so well done. The actor makes the young Henry so creepy, even though he's honey to the eyes.
Well, Leslie, as you know I'm not a big fan of "Dancing With the Stars", but I love The Tudors. But I saw the clip of Marie Osmond fainting, and my heart went out to her. How awful, and embarrassing. I hope she gets herself checked out.
We started dancing classes about 5 years ago because Daughter wanted a proper band at her wedding party. We really enjoy it but now, as Husband is working away so much, we can't make the classes and have forgotten ost of it! It is amazing how quickly the competitors learn the steps, the moves, the rhythm - all of it. They must work hard.
Could you dance my way and pick up the meme with which I have tagged you to do?
My secretary never misses a week of this show. I did see it a month ago when Wayne Newton was still on. I think you’re right. He had more diehard votes than moves, but he's got me beat!
We'll see what happens tonight. I never miss it, either, and we can conjecture who'll be axed tomorrow.
I'd love to have the energy these guys have!
I love The Tudors too...excellent show.
Ok so everyone was pussyfooting around Marie so bets she is the one knocked off tonight.
I think it'll be Jane. And next week will be Marie. Jane is lovely, but she just didn't have the moves last night with her jive. Let's face it, she has done incredibly well considering her age (57) and the fact that she has a bad back! Best season ever so far!
hi leslie, since i'm just coming back on board from my little hiatus, i'm catching up on my blog reading, which means reading old posts.
i love this show, and i'm glad you'll be writing about it each week. i'll be here every week to add in my two cents worth. *lol*
i tape it on tuesdays and watch it later that nite because i watch NCIS and the unit. the winner also appears on the jimmy kimmel show, which i watch (late nite t.v.), so i saw that sabrina had gotten voted off (i love the cheetah girls).
you just don't know how shocked i was. i still haven't watched my tape from last week. i can only imagine the shock on everyone else's face.
i like melanie, and i think helio has a pretty good chance too. i thought for a moment last week that marie had dropped dead. i'll check in this week and see your review.
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